Fracana Sector

The Fracana Sector is one of the 9 sectors of explored space that have been fully charted and re-charted since the Jred Scourge. Home to a number of regions extremely close to the Sol System, but with comparatively few star systems within the sector, the region was only fairly lightly settled with only the worlds closest to earth being given proper terraforming until the end of the Age of Unity. The Fracana Sector saw some skirmishes with the Jred, but otherwise wasn't impacted beyond an influx of refugees to the region. The Fracana Sector is fairly well connected by Jump gates, but still struggles, particularly in the spinward reaches of the sector.   Politically dominated by Solist States, with the two largest powers in the region being the Cetian Union and the State of Pariah, and only the comparatively small, and young Fracana League being a largely democratic force for the sector. Aside from the major players however, and especially in the Spinward reaches lie a number of independent systems which have managed to avoid conquest by larger powers so far, though mounting pressure from expansionist powers has seen their struggle get even harder.   The Fracana Sector has twenty six charted star systems, twenty five of which are currently inhabited, though many are only sparsely settled. Most of these worlds are clustered at the spinward reach of the sector with comparatively few in the counterspinward reach. The Fracana Sector is one of the most densely connected regions of charted space, with a number of Jumpgates administred directly by a Galactic Surveyor's Guild out of a sector office in the Terminus System. The Fracana Sector connects two portions of civilized space via jump gates. Coreward of Fracana lies the Pariah Sector, Rimward is the Neuve Lorraine Sector, spinward lies the Rift Frontier a large empty region of partially charted space, and counterspinward is the home of humanity, the Sol Sector.

Sector Features

The Shattered Worlds: A section a 2 parsec section of space centered around the Khankhol system that suffered some major cataclysm in the past that utterly destroyed the worlds of the region. The shattered worlds are dominated by the Fracana League, which itself inherited the systems from the Union of Sol.



State of Pariah
Organization | Aug 2, 2023

A large and powerful autocratic state that is the most powerful state in the Pariah Sector, the State of Pariah is extremely expansionistic pressuring all of its neighbors.

Fracana League
Organization | Aug 2, 2023

A relatively young state, breaking away from the Union of Sol only after the stabilization of interstellar travel, relatively small, with only three systems, but highly technologically advanced.

Cetian Union
Organization | Aug 2, 2023

The standing major power in the region before the State of Pariah came to the sector, a modest interstellar power that has been expanding in recent decades from its traditional home systems.

Galactic Organizations

Galactic Surveyor's Guild: Extremely influential in this sector, the Galactic Scouting Guild has direct control of the Terminus System, and can essentially control the flow of interstellar traffic throughout the region. The Guild maintains bases on nine systems, and has 3 Guild Waystations, one on Terminus, the center of its operations in the region, one on Fracana, the traditional sector capital, and one on Ceti.
Opus Dei: A significant influence on the region, Opus Dei is officially sanctioned by the State of Pariah, which itself occupies a large chunk of the coreward reaches of Fracana Space, and seeing widespread adoption by a number of independent worlds. There is some tension within Fracana however, as the Beaconists and Censors fight on different sides, with the Censors helping the expansion of Pariah, and the Beaconists generally aiding independent worlds in maintaining their sovereignty.
Planetary Expeditions: Planetary Expeditions maintains a number of small expeditions and manufacturing facilities in Fracana, though its lack of proximity to Pardian or indeed any sectors of space not dominated by humanity, means that operations here are limited. Plan-Ex maintains its regional office in the Los Angeles System.
Scipion Studio Enterprises: Scipion Studio Enterprises is headquartered in this sector, as are most of its holding companies. It has an iron grip on the media in this sector of space, with lucrative deals held even within the territories of the Staunchly Solist dominant powers of the Sector.
L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica: The Institute maintains a modest presence in the region, making contact with a handful of smaller psionic institutes, and partnering with a handful of small companies. However, the Institute generally struggles to expand beyond this meagre presence.


  • Fracana Sector Map
    A map of the Fracana Sector, a mixture of old colonies and new.
Star System Sector
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