
A scholar is an educated person who is skilled in certain areas of technological or academic expertise, or are skilled practitioners of the art of medicine. They will frequently use their skills to conduct scientific research, engineering development, or other things that advance the technological or scientific horizons of their society. Scholars can be found just about anywhere, from local wisemen in worlds that have degenerated to a very limited level of technological development, to Archivists and Academics in the most advanced systems in charted space.

Skills and Training

1D Personal Development Service Skills Advanced Education (EDU 8+)
1 INT +1 Drive Art
2 EDU +1 Electronics Advocate
3 SOC +1 Diplomat Electronics
4 DEX +1 Medic Language
5 END +1 Investigate Engineer
6 Language Science Science
1D Field Researcher Scientist Physician
1 Electronics Admin Medic
2 Vacc Suit Engineer Electronics
3 Navigation Science Investigate
4 Survival Science Medic
5 Investigate Electronics Persuade
6 Science Science Science


Rank Title Skill or Bonus (Field Researcher) Skill or Bonus (Scientist) Skill or Bonus (Physician)
1 Science 1 Science 1 Medic 1
2 Electronics (computers) 1 Electronics (computers) 1
3 Investigate 1 Investigate 1 Science 1
5 Science 2 Science 2 Science 2


1D Mishap
1 Severely injured (this is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury Table). Alternatively, roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result
2 A disaster leaves several injured, and others blame you, forcing you to leave your career. Roll on the Injury Table
3 The planetary government interferes with your research for political or religious reasons. If you continue with your work openly, increase Science by one level and gain an Enemy. If you continue with your work secretly, increase Science by one level and reduce your SOC by 2. This mishap does not cause you to leave this career.
4 An expedition or voyage goes wrong, leaving you stranded in the wilderness. Gain Survival 1 or Athletics (dexterity or endurance) 1. By the time you find your way home, your job is gone.
5 Your work is sabotaged by unknown parties. You may salvage what you can and give up (leave the career but retain this term’s Benefit roll) or start again from scratch (lose all Benefit rolls from this career but you do not have to leave).
6 A rival researcher blackens your name or steals your research. Gain a Rival but you do not have to leave this career.


2D Event
2 Disaster! Roll on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
3 You are called upon to perform research that goes against your conscience. Accept, and you gain an extra Benefit roll, a level in each of any two Science skill specialties and D3 Enemies.
4 4 You are assigned to work on a secret project for a patron or organisation. Gain one of Medic 1, Science 1, Engineer 1, Electronics 1 or Investigate 1.
5 You win a prestigious prize for your work, garnering both the praise and envy of your peers. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll.
6 You are given advanced training in a specialist field. Roll EDU 8+ to gain any one skill of your choice at level 1.
7 Life Event. Roll on the Life Events Table.
8 You have the opportunity to cheat in some fashion, advancing your career and research by stealing another’s work, using an alien device, taking a shortcut and so forth. If you refuse, you gain nothing. If you accept, roll Deception 8+ or Admin 8+. If you succeed, you gain DM+2 to any one Benefit roll and may increase any skill by one level, but also gain an Enemy. If you fail, gain an Enemy and lose one Benefit roll from this career.
9 You make a breakthrough in your field. Gain DM+2 to your next Advancement check.
10 You become entangled in a bureaucratic or legal morass that distracts you from your work. Gain one of Admin 1, Advocate 1, Persuade 1 or Diplomat 1.
11 You work for an eccentric but brilliant mentor, who becomes an Ally. Either increase Science by one level or DM+4 to your next Advancement roll thanks to their aid.
12 Your work leads to a considerable breakthrough. You are automatically promoted.


1D Cash Benefits
1 GCr5000 INT +1
2 GCr10000 EDU +1
3 GCr20000 Two Ship Shares
4 GCr30000 Soc +1
5 GCr40000 Scientific Equipment
6 GCr60000 Lab Ship
7 GCr100000 Lab Ship
Qualification: INt 6+
DM -1 for every previous career

Assignments: You must choose one of the below as an assignment.
Field Researcher: You were a researcher used to performing work both in the lab and out in the field.
Scientist: You were a researcher in some research institution or R&D House, or in perhaps in your own lab.
Physician: You were a doctor, or worked in medical research.

Field Researcher. END 6+
Scientist. EDU 4+
Physician. EDU 4+
Field Researcher. INT 6+
Scientist. INT 8+
Physician. EDU 8+


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