
A technocultist is a religious professional who is equally skilled in the arts of science and religion, and who are responsible for conducting engineering and maintenance projects, copying blueprints from ages gone for posterity, and preaching to the masses. Many will focus their efforts, at least a little bit, and some will spend their time in library-monasteries the whole of their lives. Their work of course, is much easier on technologically deprived worlds than on those with a great grasp of the sciences. Most technocultists work within the structure of Opus Dei, though many small scattered cargo-cults exist throughout chartred space.

Skills and Training

1D Personal Development Service Skills Advanced Education (EDU 8+)
1 INT +1 Electronics Electronics
2 EDU +1 Investigate Language
3 END +1 Language Science
4 Mechanic Engineer Admin
5 Drive Mechanic Medic
6 Jack-of-all-Trades Art Jack-of-all-Trades
1D Scrivener Ritualist Excuibitor
1 Art (holography or write) Admin Melee
2 Investigate Advocate Gunner
3 Engineer Diplomat Gun Combat
4 Science Language Melee
5 Electronics Persuade Tactics
6 Jack-of-all-Trades Leadership Vacc Suit

Ranks and Bonus

Rank Title (Scrivener) Skill or Bonus
0 Scribe
1 Senior Scribe Art (holography or write) 1
3 Scrivener Electronics (computer) 1
4 High Scrivener
5 Vicar Science 1
6 High Vicar
Rank Title (Ritualist) Skill or Bonus
1 Attendant Diplomat 1
3 Preacher Advocate 1
5 Confessor Leadership 1
6 High Confessor
Rank Title (Excubitor) Skill or Bonus
0 Zealot Gun Combat (slug or energy) 1
1 Excubitor
2 Senior Excubitor Vacc Suit 1
3 Palatine
4 Athanatos Leadership 1
5 Censor
6 High Censor


1D Mishap
1 Severely injured (this is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury Table). Alternatively, roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result.
2 A mistake you make causes a large trove of data or a working piece of advanced tech to be lost. You lose all benefits from this career, and gain an enemy.
3 Your local community of the faithful is subject to persecution. Roll Advocate 8+ if you succeed you are ejected from the career but suffer no further penalty. If you fail, you are exiled and lose all benefits from this career or take the Prisoner for your next term.
4 Sectarian infighting turns violent. Roll Melee, Gun Combat, or Tactics (military) 8+. If you Succeed you are not ejected from this career. If you fail Roll once on the Injury Table, and you are ejected from the career. Either way gain an enemy.
5 Your library suffers from some tragic event that sees it disbanded. You are ejected from the career but suffer no other penalty.
6 Petty infighting within the library allows someone else to take credit for work you did. Gain a rival, but you are not ejected from this career.


2D Event
2 2 Disaster! Roll on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
3 You are offered the chance to take a shortcut in your duties. Accept and you get a +1 DM to any one benefit roll, and an enemy. Reject, and gain a rival.
4 You are called upon to work on a project to recover and preserve a particularly interesting piece of technology. Gain your choice of Science 1, Engineer 1, Art (holography or write 1), or Astrogation 1.
5 You are given a long term assignment recruiting new members for the technocult, preaching the faith more broadly to unaffiliated citizens of the galaxy. Gain a level your choice of Deception, Diplomat, Persuade.
6 You are given advanced training in a specialist field. Roll EDU 8+ to gain any one skill of your choice at level 1.
7 7 Life Event. Roll on the Life Events Table.
8 You are given a special assignment or duty in your library. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll.
9 You prove your skills consistently, and manage to preserve something significant, gain a +2 DM to your next promotion roll.
10 Your library is harassed by the local planetary government, and you must work hard to keep your work going. Gain one of Admin 1, Advocate 1, Persuade 1, or Diplomat 1.
11 Your diligence and skill is noticed by a ranking member of your local library. Gain a +4 DM to your next promotion roll thanks to their influence.
12 Your work saves an extremely important technological or cultural artifact. You are automatically promoted.


1D Cash Benefits
1 GCr500 Contact
2 GCr500 INT +1
3 GCr1,000 EDU +1
4 GCr1,000 Ally
5 GCr3,000 Combat Implant
6 GCr5,000 Combat Impant
7 GCr10,000 Ship Share
Qualification: EDU 6+
DM -1 for every previous career
Assignments: You must choose one of the below as an assignment.
Scrivener: Was tasked with the duplication and preservation of information on databases, and the maintenance of machines.
Ritualist: Was a person performing most of the cult's public facing functions, officiating religious ceremonies, and preaching to the masses.
Excubutor: The militant arm of the Censors of Opus Dei, Excubitors are often converts with backgrounds in elite military formations.
Scrivener. EDU 5+
Ritualist. INT 6+
Excubitor. END 7+
Scrivener. INT 7+
Ritualist. SOC 6+
Excubitor. STR 5+
Other Associated professions
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