Technology Levels

Technology Levels are a code developed by the Galactic Surveyor's Guild, in an attempt to quantify the level of indigenous technological development a particularl society is capable of building, maintaining or understanding. This level is not entirely uniform, but is determined as a composite of overall capabilities with individual societies having different levels of technical development in different areas, and the Guild assigned technology level is generated from a formula taking into account the following developments among others.  

Quality of Life Technologies

Material Technologies

Technology LevelTechnology
0polished stone, bone, leather, ceramics
1worked metals such as iron and bronze, concrete, cement, quarried stone
2hardened steel
3structural steel
5plastics and polymers
6fiberglass, titanium
7composites, advanced ceramics, early industrial robotics
8advanced components, micro-machines, 3D printing
9composite metals, fluidics
10crystaliron, industrial robotics
11early bonded materials
12experimental superdense
13nanomachines, protein recombination
14bonded superdense, industrial nanotech
15advanced industrial robotics
16molecular bonding
17coherent superdense
18industrial superobotics
19universal matter recombination
20energy-matter conversion

Energy Technologies

Technology LevelTechnology
0burning wood or charcoal
1water wheels, early windmills
2torsion energy storage, clockwork energy use
3burning coal, early steam power
4mature steam power, electricity
5burning oil, and other petrochemicals
6nuclear fission
7solar panels, geothermal harnessing, mature windmills
8mature solar panels and geothermal harvesting, experimental fusion
9hydrogen fusion
10hydrogen fusion
11mature fusion
12fusion plus
13exotics fusion
14dark matter fusion
15dark matter fusion
16experimental antimatter collection
17experimental antimatter collection
18prototype production antimatter reactor
19production antimatter reactor
20mature antimatter, energy abundance

Information Technologies

Technology LevelTechnology
1abacus, writing, mathematics
2printing press
3printing press, mechanical computing
4telegraphy, photography, video recording
5radio, sound recording, mature film, electromechanical computing, mainframe computer/0
6television, computer/0, experimental networked computing
7computer/1, mainframe/5 networked computing, portable computing, portable communications
8computer/2, portable audio-visual communications
93D images and video, computer/3, mainframe/10, core/40
103D images and video, computer/4, core/50
11semi-organic brains, computer/5, mainframe/15, core/60
12mature trideo, positronic brains, computer /6, mainframe/20, core/70
13wafers, computer/8, mainframe/25, core/80
14self-aware computing, mainframe/30, core/90
15communications plus, computer/9, mainframe/35, core/100
16early conscious intelligence
17early portable conscious intelligence
18mature conscious intelligence
19mature conscious intelligence
20mature conscious intelligence

Environmental Technology

Technology LevelTechnology
0simple structures, simple agriculture
1permanent settlements, early cities, irrigation and canal building, crop rotation
2advanced agriculture
3cement structures
5sealed/conditioned cities
6accurate weather prediction, underground cities
7early orbital stations
8orbital settlements, early weather control
9arcologies, orbital cities, space elevators
10practical weather control, undersea cities, early terraforming
11artificial gravity, gravtic structural support
12major terraforming, advanced weather control
13major terraforming, advanced weather control
14ecopoiesis, quick building colony ships
15complex terraforming
16total terraforming, automated colony ships
17advanced terraforming
19gaia-wave terraforming
20artificial world creation

Medical Technology

Technology LevelTechnology
0mystics and herbolohy
1basic diagnosis
2internal anatomy
3basic innoculation, surgery
4antiseptics, anasethetics, vaccination
5internal imaging, crude prosthetics
6reconstructive surgery
7organ transplant, primitive medical robotics
8antiradiation medications, temporary reanimation, functional prosthetics, artificial organs
9early limb regeneration, chemically induced stasis
10fast drug, slow drug, cybernetics, panceas
11practical medical robotics, practical cloning, brain transplant
12personality recording, broadspecrtum antitoxins, full body cybernetics
13quick-grow cloning, advanced medical robotics
14PSI-specific medical technologies
15synthetic anagathics, anagathic gene therapy, superior medical robotics
16early cellular rejuvenation
17smart antibodies
18cellular rejuvenation, automation of medicine
20clinical immortality

Transportation Technology

Land Transport

Technology LevelTechnology
0beasts of burden, the wheel
1beasts of burden the wheel
2advanced wheels
3advanced wheels, land yachts
4steam trains
5diesel trains, groundcars
6diesel trains, groundcars
7high speed rail
8high speed rail, train electrification
9automated groundcars
10automated groundcars
11semigravitic trains
12semigravitic groundcars
13gravitic drive
14gravitic drive
15ground vehicles supplanted by gravitics
16ground vehicles supplanted by gravitics
17ground vehicles supplanted by gravitics
18ground vehicles supplanted by gravitics
19ground vehicles supplanted by gravitics
20ground vehicles supplanted by gravitics

Water Transport

Technology LevelTechnology
1galleys, early sailing ships
2oceangoing sailing ships
4steamships, windjammers, metal-hulled ships
5oil or petrochemical powered ships, submarines
6nuclear powered ships
7nuclear powered ships
8high-altitude kite ships
9early fusion powered ships
10early fusion powered ships
11fusion powered ships
12fusion powered ships
13fusion powered ships
14semigravitic ships
15semigravitic ships
16maritime vehicles supplanted by gravitics
17maritime vehicles supplanted by gravitics
18maritime vehicles supplanted by gravitics
19maritime vehicles supplanted by gravitics
20maritime vehicles supplanted by gravitics

Air Transport

Technology LevelTechnology
5propeller driven aircraft
6jet aircraft
7jet aircraft
8hypersonic jet aircraft
9transatmospheric aircraft
10fusion powered aircraft
11fusion powered aircraft

Space Transport

Technology LevelTechnology
5experimental unmanned rockets, satellites
6orbital rockets
7advanced chemical rockets, space probes, reaction-based space drive (R-Drive), R-Drive up to 3
8ion engines, solar sails, R-Drive up to 6
9early nuclear rockets, R-Drive up to 9, Jump Drive 1, metal hydride fuel storage
10R-Drive up to 12
11Jump Drive 2, R-Drive up to 15, inertialess gravitic drive (M-Drive), M-Drive up to 3
12Jump Drive 3, R-Drive 16, M-Drive up to 6
13Jump Drive 4, M-Drive 7
14dark matter collectors and fuelling, Jump Drive 5, M-Drive 8
15Jump Drive 6, M-Drive 9
16Jump Drive 7, M-Drive 10
17magnitudinal jump drive (Hop Drive), Hop Drive 1, Jump Drive 8, M-Drive 11
18Jump Drive 9, Hop Drive 2
19Hop Drive 3, double magnitudinal jump drive (Skip Drive), Skip Drive 1
20Hop Drive 4, Skip Drive 2

Armaments Technologies


Technology LevelTechnology
0spears, bows
1swords, crossbows, catapults
2advanced swords, black powder cannon
3early personal firearms
4early repeating firearms, field artillery
5rifle, machine gun, howitzer
6personal automatic weapons, autocannon, rocket pods
7guided missiles
8RAM grenades, stunners
9personal laser weapons, pulse lasers
10advanced combat rifle, vehicle plasma cannon, beam laser
11cartridge plasma gun, ship plasma cannon, large meson weapons
12gauss weapons, plasma missiles
13light gauss weapons, vehicular fusion gun
14advanced gauss weapons, personal fusion weapons, ship fusion weapons
15meson accelerator, particle cannons
16plasma rifle, solar rifle
17fusion rifle, heavy disintigrator
18disintigrator rifle, fusion pistol
19disintigrator pistol
20disintigrator wand

Defensive Technology

Technology LevelTechnology
0fur armor
1jack, breastplate
2full plate
3iron vehicle armor
4steel vehicle armor
5steel vehicle armor
6mesh armor, hardened steel vehicle armor
7ballistic cloth, titanium-steel and composite vehicle armor
8concealable ballistic armor
9exoskeletons, lightweight composites, flak shell
10combat armor, crystaliron vehicle armor, spatial point defense
12meson screens, superdense vehicle armor
14bonded superdense vehicle armor, nuclear dampers
15Black Globe Generator
16molecular bonded armor
17neural shielding
18coherent superdense vehicle armor
19plasteel armor material
20white globe device

The Classification

The ultimate classification, which is a composite of the above is broken down into technological 'eras' roughly correlating to the technological developments made by humanity before the Long Night, with additional speculative levels based on the information based on Pardian data wafers. Techs are then divided into epochs roughly defining whether a nation is low tech, or high tech for example.
Technology LevelTechnology
0Neolithic Age (Pre-Industrial)
1Metallurigical Age (Pre-Industrial)
2Steel Age (Pre-Industrial)
3Protoindustrial Age (Industrial)
4Industrial age (Industrial)
5Broadcast Age (Industrial)
6Atomic Age (Early Spaceflight)
7Information Age (Early Spaceflight)
8Renewables Age (Early Spaceflight)
9Fusion Age (Intrastellar)
10Transolar Age (Intrastellar)
11Gravtics Age (Intrastellar)
12Low Stellar Age (Interstellar)
13Middle Stellar Age (Interstellar)
14High Stellar Age (Interstellar)
15Late Stellar Age (Peak Human)
16Pre-Fall Age (Peak Human)
17Parditech Synthesis Age (Peak Human)
18Low Parditech Age (Parditech)
19Middle Parditech Age (Parditech)
20High Parditech Age (Parditech)

An Article Under

The Galactic Surveyor's Guild


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