
Thursdayism is a memetic religious cult, born in the Ross System during the fallout of the Great Cataclysm. This cult, centered around the belief that the Universe only came into existence last Thursday grew rapidly in the Sol Sector among certain social castes, through the spreading of powerful and viral memetic indoctrination, and is now believed to have an outsize, if sometimes overstated presence in elite circles of power within the Union of Sol, Fracana League, and Centauri Republic.

Tenets of Faith

The core tenet of Thursdayism is the notion that the universe and everythign within it came into existence last Thursday. Implicated in this tenet, is the notion that things that existed before last Thursday, are false constructs, either in their birth, or in their existence. Thursdayists believe that all history before last Thursday was invented by the powers that be to conceal the truth and to fabricate justifications for their right to rule. People, organisms, and objects that existed before Last Thursday, the overwhelming majority of objects that exist in the world all spontaneously came into existence Last Thursday. Every Friday the Thursday that the universe was created on, resets, with its creation being the day before the Friday in question.   As a result Thursdayism fosters a belief in the nonpermanence of the universe, as literally nothing has existed for more than a week, and literally nothing happeneed more than a week ago. This means that most Thursdayists share a deep sense of nihilism about the universe as without a deep past, and seemingly with no deep future nothing really matters as fundamentally as consequence cannot exist for an extended period.
Religious, Cult


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