Urea Nebula

The Urea Nebula is a large and dense nebula in the Urea Sector as well as parts of the of the Wild Frontier and the Quiet Frontier. Due to anomalies with its overall structure, entering and exiting the Nebula outside of certain avenues and the Jumpgate network, is very dangerous with an extremely high probability of misjumps. This fact meant that travel was always extremely difficult into the region, and fostered a greater sense of independence, even as technological progress was somewhat stymied here. It also protected the region from the worst effects of the Great Cataclysm, though it did shrink considerably as a result.


The Urea nebula is the largest known example of its kind still left in charted space, thanks in part to its incredible density, though it lost roughly a quarter of its mass in the events of the Great Cataclysm. There are sixty star systems within the Urea Nebula. The portions of it that can be said to be a part of Civilized Space are contested between the Spinward Urean Republic, the Urean Kingdom, and the Cormorrant Principality. The latter two states frequently engaged in a form of highly ritualized warfare making use of Lancers, a form of combat walker that is largely the result of the novel use of gravitics technology localized to the nebula.

Localized Phenomena

The Urea Nebula is noteworthy for the difficulty of entering into or exiting its boundaries, the edges of the cloud being extremely dense both in comparison to other Nebulae, and to its own interior. Why this is the case is completely unknown, though it does mean that starships that transit this particular region of space need an exceptionally skilled navigator and engineer, or an advanced ship to get through without a serious risk of misjump. As with other Nebulae, its makeup makes the Urea Nebula particularly resilient to the effects of possibly dangerous spaceborne anomalies.
Location under


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