Urea Sector

The Urea Sector is a sector of Civilized Space subject to a strange spatial anomaly that has created a unique political situation. Due to the influence of the Urea Nebula, the region was largely cut off from the rest of Civilized Space even during the Age of Unity. Although nominally members of the Stellar League, the Transolar Union and other governments, the core region of the Urea Sector enjoyed far greater independence in this era, that has created a sense of self-reliance and created a new cultural attitude to economics and warfare in Urea, in particular it has bizarre technological combinations that lie outside the norm, and states in the region favor the use of Lancers, which are grave enhanced combat walkers, fighting in a ritualized manner unlike anything seen outside the Nebula, except with the Lancer Combat League, which has spread this particular fighting, as a sport, throughout the galaxy.   The Rimward reaches of the Sector, in particular those systems that are not in the Urea Nebula are mostly independent, and indeed some are barren rocks. When one enters the Nebula however, the politial situation becomes more complicated. There are three interstellar states, the Spinward Urean Republic, which exists at the difficult to traverse edge of the nebula, is one of the more powerful states in the region with a lot of industrial activity, and is nominally a Stelsoc Republic, though it lacks any affiliation with the galactic Stelsoc movement. The other two, the Urean Kingdom, and the Cormorant Principality are monarchies, both being relatively prosperous thanks to the jump gates, though somewhat behind technologically.   The Urea sector is home to a modest to sparse population. There are twenty five star systems in the Sector, with worlds gathered primarily into clusters of two or three worlds. Of these, twenty two are occupied and as many as twenty three have been occupied in the past. Most colonies are mid-size, with most populations having in the millions and tens of millions with a few larger population bases. The Urea Sector is at the edge of civilized space at two of its boundaries, counterspinward, and coreward are home to Frontier Space. To its spinward periphery is the Aseni Sector, and its rimward frontier is bordered by the Arcturus Sector.


  • Urea Sector Map
    A map of the Urea Sector, a wild place under strange spatial circumstances.
Star System Sector
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