Krallan Imperial Guard



The whole Imperial Guard consists of 400 000 divided into 4 corps, 100 000 each. Two corps are stationed on Trisolius and the other two are naval corps which patrol the home system and inspect the sectors.


The Imperial Guard's equipement is the same as the rest of the Imperial Military. Each soldier has a plasma rifle, power armour and a light adapter. The light adapter is a device which adjust the amount of light which gets into a soldier's eyes. It allows Kralls to see normally in every light environment.
The naval corps use small maneuverable ships.


The Imperial Guard was formed after the unification of Trisolius, the Krallan homeworld. The Imperial Guard is the continuation of the Royal Guard of the victorius country. Before the expansion into space began the Imperial Guard was a small unit stationed at the Imperial Palace, important state buildings and private residences of the Imperial family. In the early years of the interstellar expansion the Guard was still small. It changed during The Unity War. In most cases military units stationed at the colonies were joining the rebels. The Trisolius' government had almost no forces left to fight the rebellion. To encourage soldiers to return to the Emperor and to gain new recruits it was announced that everyone who joins during the next 6 month period will become a member of the Imperial Guard which guaranteed a higher pay. The campaign worked mostly on the new recruits. Very few rebel soldiers returned. After the 6 months the Imperial Guard became a big military force with both naval and land assets. The Unity War lasted for a few years. It ended with a treaty which created the autonomous sectors of the Empire. During peacetime the military stationed in sectors is under the command of the local High Lord, so the Imperial Guard became the main force of the Emperor. The Guard became a model on which the sector guards were formed. After The Unity War many soldiers of the Guard were moved to the military and the Guard became an elite special forces unit.
During the Aratoq's Rebellion the Guard remained loyal to the Emperor. After the rebellion it supported the idea of keeping the throne empty until a descendant of the Imperial family will be found.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Used by


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