Lady Ruby’s House of Pleasure

Lady Ruby's House of Pleasure is situated in The City of Caral and is a well reputed brothel where folk visit for pleasure and fun. Known for its grandious architecture and elaborate rooms, many high ranking citizens visit Lady Ruby's, enjoying glorious parties and their carnal pleasures.

Purpose / Function

Aptly located in The City of Caral, Ruby's House of Pleasure is first and foremost a brothel. Known for it's sumptuous rooms, elaberate parlours, and beautiful servers, many highranking folk visit here to satisfy various desires.


Classic and simple on the outside, Ruby's is extravigant on the inside. Each room is uniquely designed to transport the guest to another world. Rooms are colour themed with the corresponding gemstone. Blue saphire, aqua marine, turquoise, gold, amyethist are a few of the room names.     SPOILER: Hidden Corridors
Unknown to many patrons, there are multiple hidden corridors behind the walls of the brothel. These corridors serve muliple purposes including, emergency escapes and safe zones for the servers in the brothel, intelligence gathering and espionage, and the delivery of food and drink.   Most importantly, the corridors lead to "Ruby's Hole." This term is often seen as a vulgar reference to the brothel, but is in fact an escape route and secret tunnel to the outside of the city. It is a hole in the cellar floor inwhich folk descend to find a secret tunnel to freedom. This tunnel has been in use since the buildings expantion.


Ruby's has been an established brothel for centuries. Lady Ruby was the first lady of the brothel and her decendents have been maintaining and managing the brothel since. The City of Caral is known as a city of luxury and entertainment. From Ruby's, associated brothels have opened since, within Caral and throughout the Realm, all of which connect back to Ruby's. This association is useful to the servers within the brothels. It provids valuable protection and communication. For example, if a client is barred from one brothel for bad behviour, the association sends word to the other brothels, banning the client in all houses. Knowing this, clients were more mindful of their actions as the consequences are significant.   SPOILER: Hidden Advantages
With the hidden corridors and the development of the brothel association, Ruby's and the brothels associated with the house became the source for information and espionage. The real money came in information and underground messaging that was more lucrative then the clients they served. Because the lady's who worked at brothels were of il repute, they often needed to look out for themselves and find ways of protecting themselves. This was done by retaining information about clients and sharing information. Although they were top paying clients, members of The Unified Religion publicly shamed the brothels and the servers within them. The Unified Religion desired to control the brothels, but were kept at bay because of the elaborate and useful communication system that networked throughout the Realm.

Portrait of Lady Ruby

Portrait of Lady Ruby by Jeannette Barrow and AI

Alternative Names
Ruby’s Pleasure House, Ruby’s Carnal Emporium, Ruby’s Hole
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location

Lady Ruby's Salacious Escape

An old bard song dedicated to the attentive ladies at Ruby's.

In Lady Ruby’s House of Pleasure, Where shadows dance and secrets measure, Each room holds whispers of the night, Where passion flares in dim twilight.   With velvet drapes and candle’s glow, The heart of night begins to show, A world where fantasies entwine, And fleeting moments seem divine.   The laughter rings, the music plays, In this clandestine, hidden place, Where dreams are bought and pleasures sought, And midnight tales are gently wrought.   Lady Ruby’s, a world apart, Where every guest leaves with a start, In the embrace of night’s allure, A sanctuary, dark but pure.

Cover image: by Jeannette Barrow


Author's Notes

Images were created using AI.

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