The City of Caral (Ca-ral)


he city of Caral was established at the same time as Uruk. Despite being smaller than Uruk, Caral helped establish communication in the New Realm. This method is still used to this day.



hen the folk arrived from Old Earth, the folk of the Caral-Supe dragons formed the city of Caral. The Caral-Supe dragons came from the region of the Supe valley where humans and dragon folk established city, towns and trade on the edge of three rivers. The people of the Supe valley built beautiful buildings by the rivers, with platform mounds and sunken plazas for trade. When the Caral-Supe dragons came to the New Realm, they continued building on their architectural skills. Caral is now a busy city, with many buildings and complex alleyways. The folk of Caral also established an efficient method of communication that is still used today using Caral Long Sparrows to send messages. The city depicts the Caral Long Sparrow in its banner.



wellers divide the folk of Caral between classes. Most of the folk in the city are labourers and builders. They work for the few elite families that have established themselves as prominent architects. There is a significant divide between the labourers of Caral and the elite in which they rarely cross paths. It is taboo for the elite families to interact with the common folk. For this reason, the city has many alleyways in which ordinary folk travel through to crisscross the city. The elite use canals and boats to travel and stay within elite-only grounds.



he Elite architect families bring in valuable work for the builders and labourers of Caral. This is the primary source of income and has contributed to the city's economic growth. Because of the significant social divide between the citizens, little of the wealth trickles down to the rest of the folk in the city. As a result, there is a large group of citizens that are poor and live in substandard housing. For a city that is known for their architecture, this is an embarrassment to the elite. Therefore, the elite use the canals as transportation and maintain them accordingly.



he Caral Architectural families helped build the Unified Religion's Citadel in Uruk. They make yearly pilgrimages to the citadel to profess their faith and contribute financially to the upkeep.

Caral Long Sparrows are unique birds which are trained to transport messages to different areas of the New Realm. The folk of Caral discovered these birds could travel long distances quickly. They are also excellent at avoiding predators such as hawks and other birds of prey. The sparrows are easy to maintain and stay in The House of the Caral Long Sparrows in each city. This simple method of communication is efficient and practical.

Cities and Towns.png
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Caral City, Caral
Included Locations

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