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The New World

9th of April, Year 214, Age of Discovery

Created by: Eric Schneider
Illustrated by: Lindsay Chowdhury

Long ago, the world was dangerous and unknown. Monsters laired in dark and wild places and men huddled in guttering firelight, praying to distant gods that they might live to see the next dawn. Yet heroes lived in this time also, intrepid adventurers who braved the unknown and confronted the unspeakable, motivated by faith, honor, or simple greed. These men and women lived by the blade, the bow, and the stave, knowing that a single stroke of misfortune could bring ruin and swift death. Yet they persisted nonetheless, and those canny enough to survive the perils before them rose to tremendous heights of wealth and glory as their names were set down forever in the annals of history.

Yet it was not treasure-hungry adventurers who banished the horrors of the unknown from the world, but the slow steady growth of civilization and the march of technological progress. The last forgotten dungeon of Old Latium was unearthed, not by wide-eyed heroes, but by simple workers paving a roadway. The last dragon was slain, not by a mighty champion, but by a battalion of musket-armed conscripts on the orders of a nameless bureaucrat. So it was that, little by little, the age of danger and mystery came to an end and, with it, the need for heroes and adventurers.

Until, in one of the last shadowed corners of the Old World, a tremendously powerful artifact was unearthed. A portal, erected by unknown hands, leading to a fantastic and undiscovered country. A land where creatures long consigned to myth lived and thrived and where the pulse of magic beat stronger than humanity had felt it in a thousand years. Thus began a new age of high adventure, for beyond the World Gate lie treasures, dangers, and opportunities beyond imagining. Here, one can make their fortune by courage and skill alone, leaving behind their past and forging a new destiny in a New World.