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Medium Rest

A Medium Rest is an intermediate step between a Short Rest and a Long Rest. It is a prolonged period during which a Party of characters sets up camp and takes a break in the midst of Adventuring or Travel. Players may choose to have their characters attempt a Medium Rest while in The Wilds or in a Sanctuary, provided they are in an appropriate place to make a campsite. The Party must rest without interruption for at least eight hours in order to gain any benefit.

All Race and Class features, except for Spell Slots, are restored and all characters in the Party regain one Hit Die following a successful Medium Rest. Additionally, as with a Short Rest, characters may attempt to treat any open Wounds and spend Hit Dice to restore lost Hit Points. A character may only regain Hit Points on a Medium Rest if they have no open Wounds, although they may close their Wounds then restore Hit Points on the same Medium Rest.

Spell Slots are only partially restored on a Medium Rest, as a character may regain slots with a total spell level equal to or less than their Caster Level upon completing their rest. For this purpose, a character determines their caster level by adding together all of their levels in the Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, and Wizard classes, half their levels (rounded up) in the Artificer class, half their levels (rounded down) in the Paladin and Ranger classes, and half their levels (rounded down) in the Fighter and Rogue classes if they have the Eldritch Knight or Arcane Trickster Archetype, respectively.

Finally, each character in the Party may attempt a Camp Action during a Medium Rest, each of which grants a small benefit if successful. Each character may undertake only one Camp Action. The DC for skill checks relating to Camp Actions is set by the GM depending on the quality of the Party's campsite and the current weather conditions. Possible Camp Actions include:

  • Keeping Watch - One or more characters may spend their rest watching for danger and keeping the camp secure. Each character who does so must roll a Perception(WIS) check. If at least one character on watch passes this check, then any attempted ambush upon the Party fails and the characters are able to meet the would-be ambushers on equal footing. Otherwise, if the GM chooses to ambush the Party, the ambushers gain a surprise round in the ensuing combat as if they had rolled a Natural 20 on their Initiative check.
  • Cooking Food - One (and only one) character who has proficiency with Cook's Utensils may attempt to cook a hearty meal for the Party. That character must roll a Survival(WIS) check. If they pass this check, then each character in the Party regains one Hit Die once the rest is completed (in addition to any Hit Dice regained through other means).
  • Brewing Drinks - One (and only one) character who has proficiency with Brewer's Tools may attempt to make fortifying drinks, such as coffee, tea, or alcoholic cocktails, for the Party. That character must roll a Survival(WIS) check. If they pass this check, then each character in the Party regains one Hit Die once the rest is completed (in addition to any Hit Dice regained through other means).
  • Playing Music - One or more characters who have proficiency with an instrument or with the Performance skill may play for the group in an attempt to restore morale. Each character who does so must roll a Performance(CHA) check, adding their proficiency bonus. If a character passes this check, then one other character of their choice gains a point of Inspiration once the rest is completed.
  • Playing a Game - One or more characters, one of whom must have proficiency with a gaming set, may play a game in an attempt to restore morale. Each character who does so must roll an Intelligence check, adding their proficiency bonus if they are proficient with the gaming set in question. The player with the highest result gains a point of Inspiration once the rest is completed.

List of Camp Actions:

  • Keep Watch
  • Cook Food
  • Brew Drinks
  • Play Music
  • Play a Game


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