BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Downtime is a secondary way for players to experience the game outside of Adventuring and is an opportunity for characters to develop their relationships with friendly NPCs and prepare for their next adventure. Downtime activities involving a specific character may only be done while that character is in a Sanctuary. Unlike Adventuring, engaging in Downtime does not require players to form a Party and may be done either in a group or one-on-one with the GM. Some Downtime activities may require the player(s) in question to schedule a date to meet and interact with the GM in real-time, while others can be completed asynchronously, via text, email, or Discord chat. Regardless of how it is done, however, players must always inform the GM and receive approval in order to conduct any Downtime activities.

A character can do virtually anything during Downtime so long as it is approved by the GM and does not involve venturing into The Wilds or entering Combat. An exception to this rule is that characters may Travel from one Sanctuary to another during Downtime, even if they must cross through the Wilds in order to do so. They may also engage in Downtime freely while taking a Long Rest, but cannot take a Long Rest and Travel at the same time. Downtime activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Advancing a character from one level to the next once they have gained enough XP. Unless specifically allowed by the GM, this can only be done during Downtime. Players familiar with the game may do this asynchronously by simply making the necessary changes to their character sheet and informing the GM that they have done so.
  • Buying new equipment and items or selling items in a character's possession. Players may do this asynchronously by providing the GM with a list of items they wish to buy or sell. The GM will then advise them whether they are able to find a seller/buyer for the items in question and what price is being demanded or offered for each. The player must then inform the GM of whether they will agree to buy or sell each item, then update their character's inventory and funds.
  • Crafting items or consumables. In order for a character to do this, they must have the necessary Crafting recipe, tool proficiency, and Resources. If they cannot meet these conditions, then they may hire an NPC to craft the desired item(s) for them, provided one with the appropriate skillset is available. If a character crafts an item themselves, they must remain in their current Sanctuary until the applicable Crafting time has elapsed and cannot go Adventuring or craft another item during that time, though they may engage in other Downtime activities if permitted by the GM. Crafting may be done asynchronously by informing the GM of the desired item, receiving confirmation that a character meets all the conditions to craft the item, and removing the necessary components from that character's inventory. Once the Crafting time has elapsed, the finished item may be added to that character's inventory, provided they succeed their Crafting check.
  • Interacting with NPCs in the Sanctuary where a character is located. This will often require roleplay between one or more players and the GM, but can potentially be done out-of-character if the interaction is simple, such as asking an NPC a question or informing them that something has happened. Roleplaying may be done either real-time through Roll20 or Discord chat or asynchronously via email or private messaging.
  • Learning a new Gaming Set, Instrument, Language, or Tool proficiency. A character may do this by finding a teacher who already has the proficiency in question (this may be another player character or an NPC) and spending a sufficient amount of In-Game Time studying with them. To learn a Gaming Set or Language proficiency, a character must study for a number of weeks equal to 10 minus their INT modifier. An Illiterate character may also learn to read and write by studying for the same amount of time they would need to learn a new Language. Similarly, learning an Instrument proficiency requires a number of weeks equal to 10 minus the student's CHA modifier and learning a Tool proficiency requires a number of weeks equal to 10 minus their WIS modifier. During this time, neither the student nor their teacher (if this is another player character) may go Adventuring or engage in any other Downtime activities unless permitted by the GM. A character cannot learn a new Gaming Set, Instrument, Language, or Tool proficiency if the number of proficiencies of that type they already have equals or exceeds their Proficiency Bonus plus their relevant Ability modifier (INT for Gaming Sets/Languages, CHA for Instruments, and WIS for Tools).
  • Relaxing to gain Inspiration. A character gains one point of Inspiration if they spend one in-game month relaxing uninterrupted. During this time, they may not go Adventuring or engage in any other Downtime activities unless permitted by the GM. A character is presumed to be relaxing during Downtime unless their player specifies otherwise.
  • Trading money or items from one character to another. Unless otherwise stated by the GM, possessions may be traded freely between characters, provided the characters in question are in the same Sanctuary at the same time and the players controlling them all consent to the transaction. Players may trade asynchronously as long as they inform the GM that they have done so.
  • Training to improve their Combat capabilities. A character earns 50 XP for every in-game week they spend training. During this time, they may not go Adventuring or engage in any other Downtime activities unless permitted by the GM. 
  • Working to earn Money. A character who has at least one Tool proficiency earns 5 SP for each in-game day they spend working. Characters who have no Tool proficiencies earn 2 SP per day instead. A character may not engage in any other Downtime activities on a day they spend working unless permitted by the GM.

Example Downtime activities:

  • Advance a character to the next level.
  • Buy or sell items.
  • Craft items or consumables.
  • Learn a new Gaming Set, Instrument, Language, or Tool proficiency.
  • Relax to gain Inspiration.
  • Interact with NPCs.
  • Trade money or items between characters.
  • Train to earn XP.
  • Work to earn Money.


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