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Daffa Play Park

Every city that participates in Galtern's unique home-sharing practice has multiple leisure houses, often loosely clustered in an entertainment district. As one of the later cities to accept the practice, Daffa had the benefit of time to observe how other cities were handling their distribution of facilities. As a result the Daffa Play Park is the best designed and offers the widest variety of activities.


Despite its size, the Play Park has the smallest permanent population of any district in Daffa. Most of the residents are street cleaners, maintenace staff, and bird caretakers. Trios of Security Patrollers for the day and night shift are also quartered there, but the patrollers rotate too frequently through the posting to be considered residents.


The Play Park is almost a miniature city in itself, divided into sections organized by the level of activity involved. Physical thrills are nearest the harbor, surrounded by the music and exercise areas. Beyond that at increasing distance are children's areas, social games, hobbies and arts, quiet spaces. The small residential section is farthest from the more active areas to allow undisturbed sleep. Curiously, there is very little in the way of places to eat. Traffic in the Play Park slows down dramatically during the midday hours as visitors disperse into Daffa to take their meal.

Points of interest

The Play Park's central passage is lined with fountains fed from the bay. Many arch across the path, so that while it is certainly possible to get from one end to the other without getting wet, it is rare to see a visitor who has not been enjoying one shower after another to keep cool.   Tame yardfowl of various breeds are allowed to wander everywhere in the park, some for their friendliness and some for their spectacular plumage. Feeding the birds is discouraged because of how easily friendly fowl can turn aggressive when offered food. Guard geese are employed to keep visitors out of hazardous or secure areas, and wear red caps and collars to warn that they should not be approached. Show birds are similarly marked with colors that contrast with their feathers to indicate they should not be handled. Visitors are encouraged to play with the pet ducks and chickens, but anyone observed trying to handle a bird in any way that causes it distress will be immediately scolded by passersby.


Before the conduits were opened in 2000 Vol, the district was used almost entirely by native Galternene, mostly Daffa residents. Occasionally tideriders in port would spend a little time there, and very rarely would someone from another island make the long trip. As part of the agreement by which Galtern joined the Unity, Walemin promised that opening the park to visitors from off of Galtern would strengthen the island's economy. She was right, which was a large part of why Galtern remained in the Unity despite the disagreement about merging the Security Patrol with the One Guard.   After the Unity dissolved in 2040 Vol Galtern refused to join the Allied Isles and stopped all off-island traffic. They have since negotiated fair exchange for medical treatment and training, but entertainment remains a low political priority, so for now the Daffa Play Park is once again open to locals only.
Location under
1661 Vol

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