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leisure house

In the most densely populated areas of Galtern, residents are divided between daytime and nighttime shifts. Homes are shared such that there is always sleeping in them except during the hours when the crossing shifts socialize. As a consequence of this custom, occupants are not allowed to remain at home during their waking hours. When not working or eating they may wander around or meet with friends, but more often than not a citizen with free time will spend it at one of the many leisure houses found in every city on the island.

Purpose / Function

Primarily, a leisure house is a means to encourage Galternene to have a good time together, but it also has the secondary function of providing opportunities to improve one's social valuation. Since it is a public place designed for social interaction, the way a person behaves there tends to have a strong effect on her perceived worth.  


Not all leisure houses are open to the general public. Similar to craft shops, the first leisure houses were built by families with the means and space to add another building to their property. These extra buildings held personal effects, including toys and games, and invitations would be issued only to the family's friends or relatives. Such private leisure houses still exist, though they are now also open to anyone with a sufficiently high social valuation.   Public houses in a city's leisure district are not as exclusive, but individuals with very low valuation may still find themselves turned away, or watched closely if they are admitted.


Like most construction in the Cluster Islands, leisure houses tend to have an open-sided framework that can be shuttered in bad weather or high winds. The surrounding area is bordered usually with a barrier of painted posts to mark out where visitors can sit or walk or nap in the sun. Inside, the house may be divided into smaller sections to separate activities that might interfere with each other. Some houses have small private spaces available for those who want to enjoy themselves without the pressure of other people watching.

Contents & Furnishings

Leisure houses offer widely different amusements depending on their intended audience. Children's houses are stocked mostly with toys. Parents are welcome, but these houses are staffed with adults who earn their value by keeping an eye on the children so that their parents can be elsewhere. Houses aimed at an older demographic may have games, reading material, hobby supplies, climbing furniture, even flocks of pet birds.


The resolution that ended the 1642 Vol riots in Stolc triggered a construction boom as new buildings went up accommodate citizens who suddenly could no longer eat, work, or play in their homes. The first wave was mostly eateries and craft shops, but Stolc's Worthies recognized the need for entertainment and promoted the concentration of leisure houses in designated districts.
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