The Grayson--Calix Contract

A contract was drawn up between Grayson, a small time drug dealer, and Calix, a five-year Mafia Boss. Calix's gang was known for hacking into police departments to gain information on certain drug dealers making Grayson an almost perfect fit for Calix's team.


The Rumor

As time went on, a rumor surfaced that Grayson was a Spy. For the safety of the team, the mafia started to hunt for proof to see if it was true.

No information on Grayson was found, and he was considered in the clear for the next few months, until he was seen clubbing with a police man. Given the distaste criminals have for spies, and the lack of reason for Grayson to be hanging out with a cop research on Grayson began again.

While research was being done, Calix reviewed the contract and noticed that Grayson's signature seemed strange. The ink Calix and Grayson used to sign was suposed to be the same, but had slightly different tints and thickness. Once analysis was done on the ink, revealing the two inks to be different, the mafia gang grew even more suspicious of Grayson.


A Forgery?

When creating a contract The Boss will write it out by hand before typing it out himself. The document will then be reviewed several times before the official signing. And the signing is done with one type of ink to avoid a forgery.

More research was done on the contract and it was found that some parts of it seemed to be forged. There were a few word and phrasing discrepancies between the originally written contract and the one typed out.

No one was sure how Grayson was able to change the document or forge it in any way, if he even did do such a thing, since the documnt is signed in the room with several people watching.


The Interview

Eventually, Calix called Grayson in for a questioning. Grayson denied all forms of treachery (eg. breaking contract and forgery.) He said he had never done such a thing, and wouldn't jeapordize his place just to "hang with a guy who could put him in the slammer."

Calix reluctantly decided to let Grayson go. Believing keeping him on was too much of a risk and having a member tied up in so many rumors and controveries wouldn't be good for the team.


The Fallout

No one is entirely sure what happened to the man. Although, a few think no one was at fault and there was just a strange mix-up, most believe Grayson did forge the document and posed a threat to the team. Others just think the document just went through several redrafts using different paper and ink. The rare few just think it was a weird thing that happened and no one was really at fault.

  It's unfortunate this strange mix--up happned, because the man was an excellent Captain.


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