Zephan Jones

Zephan Jones

Zephan is known for being laid back. He practices hacking for an hour or so a day, before shutting off his computer and playng some video games (which he modifies to a ridiculously extensive degree.) Because the entire Lynx family hacking lineage does not depend on him, he tends to be more lax in his hacking time, but is still incredibly talented.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zephan is the quiet one in the brother-sister duo he and Zamara have. He watched Zamara and his mom and Aunt drill rules and responsibilities into Zamara, while she was off training 24/7 he spent time off in his room and out in the backyard playing catch with his dad.

While Zamara spent the majority of her time avoiding their dad, Zephan enjoyed his company. He tended to be pretty clueless and forgetfull at times, but Zephan did not mind. His Aunt and mom were still there to help him in his hacking, but mostly ran drills with Zamara.


Going to school was one of the first opportunities Zephan had at making friends his age. Until that point it had just been him and his sister's teammates (who were also their cousins). He loved Geometry and excelled at P.E.

While at home he simply continued his two hours of practice hacking and playing catch with his dad. His mom visits him more often than Aunt Vivian bringing him freshly baked cookies and seeing how school is going.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Zephan is the second fastest hacker in Lynx history. He is known for also being the best liar, passing several lie detector tests with ease. He has acheived several school awards in P.E. and has great pride in his memory. However, Zephan's greatest accomplishment is having the fastest recorded hacking time as of two weeks ago.


Zephan Jones

Twin Brother (Vital)

Towards Zamara Jones



Zamara Jones

Twin Sister (Vital)

Towards Zephan Jones




Zephan and Zamara have a confusing relationship. They both love and care for each other, but tend to find themselves desperately hating each other

Zamara Jones (Twin Sister)
medium length, choppy, black


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