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Shadowguard Oath

"Shadowguards Oath on it"- proverb in former provinces of the Empire. Meant to denote an unbreakable oath


The Shadowguard was created in 2176 BF by Val the First. It's first leader was the former Zwintar Captain, Bolderin. The Original Shadowguard was 100 soldiers. They were Val's elite strike force. Over the course of his reign the force doubled to field two companies of 100 soldiers. By that time they were also the Emperor's personal bodyguard. For the entirety of the History of The Empire they were the ultimate threat. As the skill of The Imperial Artisan's Guild grew so did the efficacy of the Shadowguard. The Holder's of the Imperial Throne demanded absolute obediance and promised great wealth to those who served honorably and retired after injury or long service. And that is a promise they kept. By the founding of Mor Daven in 1920 BF, the Shadowguard viewed their duty to the Imperial Throne in the same vein as a Sacred or Holy Charge and that which they worshiped was whomever sat upon the throne.    For over 2000 years they served The Empire and the Holder of the Imperial Throne and since the Time of Emperor Tiven son of Val the oath has been the same.


Those who survive the decade long training to become a Shadowguard would kneel before the Holder of the Imperial Throne in a ceremony held once a year at Seldix. The recruits would bare their left breast and with an ancient dagger that had been used by Bolderin, cut the flesh over their heart and then swear the ritual oath.   "I swear my hearts blood to The Empire, I swear the rest of life to the service of the Imperial Throne until the Throne releases me or death claims me. My I never know peace and be condemned to The Outer Dark if I should fail in my service. Highest One, please accept my service."   The Holder of the Imperial Throne will then accept, or deny, their service. Those that are accepted become full Shadowguards.

Components and tools

The Knife of Bolderin was used for most Shadowguard ceremony. At the height of The Empire so many Shadowguards were needed that it would take weeks for each new Shadowguard to all swear with the knife. Ceremonial blades were commissioned and the greatest of each candidate class was given the honor of using the Knife of Bolderin.


The Holder of the Imperial Throne attends and accepts the oath,   The Commanding Officer of the Shadow Captain to certify candidates have completed the training required.   Candidates to become Shadowguards.   No one else who is not a Shadowguard is allowed to attend upon pain of summary execution


Once a year, exact date at the discretion of the Holder of the Imperial Throne.
Primary Related Location
Important Locations


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