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Battle of Broken Cavalry

On 302 of the 559BF, the Labyrinthine military marched out of Labyrinth and towards Jaccard, passing the monument erected 135 years previous to memorialize the Rain of Pikes.

The Jaccardian army was there to meet them, and they had brought something the dwarves two-and-a-half centuries before did not have - heavy cavalry. The Jaccardians had studied their history, and loosed the cavalry before the Tauran archers could arrive within range of the Jaccardian forces.

As during the Rain of Pikes, The Wall set their tower shields in the earth, but this time the second rank braced the first rank against the impending crush of horse and steel, and pushed forth between the Tauran shields long, solid pikes.

The ground trembled as the armored men and beasts rushed across the field and towards the Labyrinthine shield wall. And then charge met the wall and, as one historian recorded it, the “the knights of Jaccard broke upon the mighty wall of the Labyrinthine army, like a great wave upon a shorecliff.” The impact pressed the length of The Wall back several feet, and drove pikes deep into the earth (as well as into flesh) ; but The Wall held, and the charge did not.

The front rank of the Labyrinthine army quickly advanced a short distance, and reset their shield wall, while the ranks behind slaughtered all men and horse trapped behind the front rank. Sword, axe, hammer, and sharpened battle hoof-shoes made quick work of the cavalry not fortunate enough to escape the failed assault.

Seeing their cavalry broken, and knowing that an infantry assault was hopeless, the Jaccardian army broke ranks and fled behind the thick stone walls of Jaccard.

The Conflict

Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
The Jaccardian cavalry was crushed and the remainder fled.


Labyrinthine Military
Jaccardian Army



Great - cavalry only.


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