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Bonfire of Jaccard

While the Taurans tended to their wounded and reset their formations, the Jaccardians moved as many able bodied people, and as much food as they could grab, inside the city walls.

When the Labyrinthine army arrived outside the city, after many hours of unhurried marching, they found the area surrounding Jaccard nearly deserted - only the elderly, infirm, and the dead remained.

It was the dead in the fields of the Jaccardian farms that the Taurans were not expecting… The dead were nearly all Taurans, all of whom had obviously been enslaved and used as beasts of burden in the fields; all had recently been put to the sword. A great number of the executed Tauran were noted to be individuals who had left Labyrinth for various reasons, and had not returned; their awful fate was now clear.

Immediately, the Labyrinthine Wall formed up outside of Jaccard, surrounding the city and cutting off escape for all those inside the city walls; Jaccard prepared for siege.

At dusk, Tauran archers began to launch their “pikes” into the city. A thousand archers fired bolts into the city, a single bolt per minute for an hour; at the end of each hour a thousand fresh archers took their place. For two days it rained arrows on Jaccard.

Inside the walls, the people sheltered indoors, listening to the clatter of arrows on the roofs and roads and boasting of how many arrows they would have to fire back upon the Taurans once they had expended their last shot. This event never came to pass, however, for on the evening of the second day the archers of the Labyrinthine military sent their missiles aloft and alight with burning pitch.

Jaccard was a tinderbox of Tauran arrows, and the rain of fire set it alight. Many of those sheltering in the city, were burned alive where they hid; those who attempted to flee were pressed back through the gates by The Wall. Not a single living creature inside the city of Jaccard survived what would later be known as the Bonfire of Jaccard.

The burnt remains of the defeated city were torn down to their foundations and the debris scattered or buried. The only the scorched ground remained to indicate that the area had been anything other a barren field. To this day the area is uninhabited, and even grass does not grow where the city once stood.

The Conflict


City of Jaccard
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
The city of Jaccard was completely razed, and there were no Jaccardian survivors.


Labyrinthine Military
Jaccardian Army and the populous of Jaccard



No survivors.


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