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Struggle for the Ice Pick Mountains

Military action


As far back as Tauran oral history goes, the horned-folk had always lived in a large systems of underground tunnels and caves; the largest group making their home under the Icepick Mountains.

The Dwarves of Datan Gor contested the Tauran claim of their subterranean abode, and cut off trade. But for the lack of iron, which the Taurans desired for their arms and armor (the Taurans, while capable of carving a city from underneath a mountain, are not race given to mining), the Taurans would never have noticed the sanctions.

A series of Dwarven raids on the Tauran tunnels soon demonstrated that, while the Dwarves were superior underground warriors, the Tauran had the advantage fighting in their maze-like labyrinth. A formal challenge was made by the Dwarf clans to the Taurans to decide who would lay claim to the Ice Pick Mountains. Battle on the fields outside the entrance to the Tauran home would be the judge; should the Dwarves win, the Tauran would vacate their home and Dwarves would claim their prize.

In the event that victory went to the Tauran, the Dwarves would resume trade and owe the Tauran people a debt of forgiveness. The Tauran accepted and the trial of combat set for the Head of the following year.

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