Adelina Middlemiss

Adelina Middlemiss

Adelina Middlemiss is the owner of Acorn Sunlight Books in Haven. She is a middle-aged woman with round glasses, frizzy hair, and a steampunk aesthetic who always seems to know the kind of book you need—not just what you think you want.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is short and a little plump, but in a jolly, voluptuous way.

Apparel & Accessories

Adelina rocks a serious steampunk and/or clockpunk aesthetic. In some ways, she's a short, plump, female, Afro-Cuban version of Willy Wonka, but without the crazy and/or sinister baggage. She also wears a special pair of spectacles.

Specialized Equipment

Adelina's spectacles allow her the gift of True Sight, which enables her to discover truths about her customers. Nobody really knows this, though. Anyone not attuned to these spectacles will not benefit from such insight.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like many residents of Haven, Adelina seems to have always been working at Acorn Sunlight Books.


On occasion, Adelina will let slip the fact that she once attended a rather prestigious university. From there, though, the details get fuzzy. Some say she was either expelled or left due to some kind of dispute or disagreement. But others say there were no incidents and that Adelina graduated with top honors. Little is known about the university, either, such as its name and whether or not it hosted magical, arcane, or artificer arts and sciences.


Adelina has been the proprietor of Acorn Sunlight Books for as long as anyone can remember.

Intellectual Characteristics

Adelina has both eidetic and photographic memory, total recall, and an encyclopedic knowledge about thousands (if not millions) of books, magazines, graphic novels, newspapers, and other publications. However, she does not advertise this fact and will make it seem like she is thinking hard or will tell people that she needs to look up their requests.

She is certainly the most intelligent person in Haven, and perhaps the entire Archipelago. She seems to know just enough about every subject there is. She has a scientific mind, but a heart to match it.

Morality & Philosophy

Adelina believes in helping people find the information they need to become better. She believes that knowledge is power, but only when it is used for the betterment of of all and the greater good.


Adelina has no tolerance for those who deliberately (and sometimes even inadvertently) spread misinformation, lies, misleading information, and rumors, particularly for some personal benefit. This includes the perpetuation of cultural myths, stereotypes, and stories we all take for granted. She will dispel such myths, even if they are upsetting to the status quo, but she will try to do so in a manner that is neither haughty nor blaming—just as matters of fact.


Social Aptitude

Adelina is as charming as your favorite grandma, but with a hint of youthful kick-ass remaining that makes you respect her.


She seems to talk like everyone's mom, grandma, or favorite auntie. And she uses a lot of affectionate nicknames or term of endearment when talking to people, like honey or hun, dearie, pumpkin, sugar, etc.

Current Status
Finding you just the right book...
smiling, sparkling brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
cinnamon chocolate latte
5' 3"
Quotes & Catchphrases doesn't look like we have that particular book, but I did find something else you might be interested in. Here. Why don't you take this home and give it a little lookover, hon. Just bring it back to me whenever you're finished with it. Okay? ... You're welcome, dear.
Ruled Locations