Mystic Island Archipelago

The Mystic Island Archipelago consists of a number of islands spanning the temperate latitudes just offshore of the mainland . The largest island, colloquially called Mystic Island or Main Island, is populated with two main towns, Haven and Sanctum.

The islands are deeply imbued with magic, but it is a subtle kind of magic. Most of the time, these just seem like peaceful lands. But here and there, inconsistencies and wonders give evidence that these are sacred and mysterious places. Most notably, nobody knows for certain how many islands there are, nor how much area the archipelago spans. Weather is localized to the point where great storms thrash against one island, while the next one over is completely calm.


The exact population (or even an estimate) is very difficult to ascertain. But nearly everyone on the Main Island will tell you that there has been a significant uptick in people, not just visiting as tourists, but becoming residents. The towns of Haven and Sanctum are starting to experience a building boom, and some settlements across the main island may soon become towns in their own right. In the next several years, many are expecting other of the larger islands might also see the establishment of official settlements.


Articles under Mystic Island Archipelago


Author's Notes

Note: this page is still in development and may change frequently as current events develop.

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