
The Town of Haven is located on the main island of the Mystic Island Archipelago. It is the larger of two main towns found on the island, and many consider it the archipelago's seat of leadership despite there being no real governmental organization or claim to authority.

It is the gateway to the archipelago, where a ferry from the mainland arrives. And the typical departure point for those going to other islands in the group.

As the de facto gateway to the Archipelago, Haven is where the vast majority of refugees from the Empire of the West come to seek asylum. In these recent times, the number of seekers has dramatically increased, most likely due to the equally dramatic increase in wraiths, Mategan loyalists, and the White Cloud gangs. Nearly every seeker is granted asylum, save for those of ill will and violent intent.



The population of Haven has typically remained between 260 and 300 residents, depending on the census and whether or not itinerant and traveling citizens were counted, plus whether or not to include those living in the surrounding area, such as those at the Inn of Abiding Respite.

Age, Species, Ethnicity

As far as can be told, the percent of residents under the age of 5 is about 6%. About 22% are under 18. Those over 65 make up around 16%. The remaining 56% of adults identify roughly equally between male and female, with around 5% identifying as non-binary. 91% of the residents are Human, with the rest consisting of fantastic creatures such as Orckind, Elves, Duine, Halflings and Dwarves, and other similar beings.

Of the Humans, two-thirds identify as White, but only 4% identify as Black. This may be because other refuges, such as the Blapan Brotherhood and Maluki Community, which are closer and more defensible against the threats today. Those claiming Eastern, Central Asian, and Middle-Eastern ethnicity make up about 10% of the population. Indigenous populations from the mainland and northern lands, and from across the oceans make up nearly 3% of Haven. But again, several islands across the Archipelago consist entirely of indigenous peoples, and sometimes large numbers of canoes will visit during annual rowing ceremonies, swelling this demographic. White and non-White Hispanics or Latinos consist of 12% of the population. And of those polled, 6% don't identify with any aforementioned ethnicity, and a full 10% claim two or more.


The "government" of Haven is not formal in the least. If there is an important issue for the town, the elders and long-time proprietors gather and talk about what to do. If the situation calls for it, they will make a decision in a somewhat democratic way. But the council will typically use a consensus.


For most of Haven's history, its isolation from the mainland has been adequate enough of a defense. But some of the leaders, backed with stories from recent refugees, are questioning if that is enough. It is unknown if the wraiths can traverse the deep salt water of the sound. But even if they cannot, other refugees are greatly concerned that Mategan loyalists and White Cloud gangsters will eventually take notice of the Mystic Island Archipelago and seek to either annex or destroy it.

At the current moment, some of the leaders from Haven have reached out to Sanctum, and specifically the Orkind Grolturk, about forming some kind of common militia to at least guard against the wraiths. Meanwhile, other leaders trust in the inherant magical characteristics (and some might even claim divine presence) of the Mystic Islands will keep the archipelego safe and that the lack of trust in that might result in a withdrawl of that protection.

Industry & Trade

Haven serves as the hub of the entire Mystic Island Archipelago. Those on the main island and throughout the archipelago can come here for various reasons. Since this is also the gateway to the islands, tourism plays a central role in the town as well. And both have a lot of overlap with one another.


One of the most important features of Haven is that it has a very well protected harbor, which makes it an ideal point of entry for the Island, and as a point of departure for those seeking to travel to other parts of the Archipelago.

As the largest town on the island, it is also a focal point for the rest of the population. In particular, Greensquare Market is not only a gathering point for the distribution of the island's food, it is where you can find services, amenities, and other necessities.

  • Haven Docks
  • Shipping Docks
  • Ferry Docks
  • Security/Customs/Harbormaster*
  • Medical Facility/Apothecary*
  • School*
  • the town square: Greensquare, home of the Greensquare Market


    Notable Businesses

  • Acorn Sunlight Books
  • King's Bakery
  • Malu's Cafe and Tea Shop
  • General Store and/or Hardware Store*
  • Brewery & Winecellar*


    Haven Lodging

  • Inn of Abiding Respite (technically just outside of Haven)
  • Fireside Lodge*
  • The Fantastic Gentlemen Bed & Breakfast*
  • Tourism

    The largest majority of tourists to the archipelego usually stay within the town. Only a few visit Sanctum or some of the other smaller settlements and dwellings on the island, and even a smaller fraction visit other islands throughout the archipelego. One of the main attractions is the Greensquare Market. Others enjoy some of the local shops and restaurants.


    The town sits on the waterfront of a good, safe harbor on the southern end of the Main Island.


    Marine Temperate Rainforest

    Natural Resources

    Like most of the islands in the archipelego, forested wood is abundant. Some of the nearby lumber is brought to town, usually for sale to other islanders and not for export beyond the sound. There is a lot of fertile, albeit rocky, soil in the region, lending to a number of farmed plots within the town boundaries.


    Haven is the largest town on the Main Island and in the Mystic Island Archipelago.

    Inhabitant Demonym
    Havener or Havenese
    Location under


    Author's Notes

    Note: this page is still in development and may change frequently as current events develop.

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