Alliance of Central Kingdoms

A loose coalition of kingdoms currently trying to survive the wraiths. It's not helping that the The Empire of the North is starting to make trouble at its borders, though.


Many of the current members of the Alliance were at one time empires, many aggressive. In the past few generations, these kingdoms came together in unity to engage in a common economy and a confederation of governance.


Member Kingdoms

(not exhaustive)
  • The Kingdom of Locainglia: a former empire that has recently left the Alliance, but still interacts with it primarily.
  • The Holy Empire of Winterhelm: another former aggressive empire that was defeated in a great war, and now is reformed; a major member of the Alliance
  • The Kingdom of BourgĂ©: another major member of the Alliance
  • The Grand Duchy of Veintia:
  • The United Kingdoms of Pofraspia and Neocatia:
  • The Triple Kingdom of Lugithorp, Hyrnabekkr, and Myrkjadalr:
  • The Duchies and Dukedoms of Sovna:
  • The Kingdom of Dubno:
  • The Free Kingdom of U'sk: a rich agricultural country currently under invasion by The Empire of the North
  • The Dhamra Calliphate:
  • Yehud Nei-Tyamigd:
  • Knesae and the Myrna Archipelego:
  • various minor barionies, duchies, and counties
  • Foreign Relations

    The strongest ties with other powers in the world are with the Empire of the West, but only with that of the Old Guard.   The Supreme Leader, while he was emperor, has sought to sow discord among the Empire and the Alliance with obvious favoritism towards the The Empire of the North, which is perhaps the Alliance's most troubling enemy. In fact, the North is currently amassing troops on the doorsteps of the Alliance.
    Alliance, Generic
    Power Structure
    Economic System
    Market economy
    Legislative Body
    The various kings and queens, dukes and duchesses, barons and baronesses, and/or their representatives meet together in a mutual council and work out various agreements among their alliance.


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