the lich

(a.k.a. the wizard)

The wizard was once the most trusted member of the royal court of Kiofthotre. His magic made the administration of the realm more efficient than ever. He was given more and more power, and he took the prince and princess under his tutelage.   But as his power grew, it began to warp and corrupt the kingdom. No one is quite sure when the wizard underwent the transformation, but he revealed himself when the king and queen investigated why their children had become so sick. In a great and dramatic display, the lich burst forth in all his evil glory and seized control of the kingdom. While the king attempted to defeat the lich by sending all of his soldiers against him, the lich defeated every one with ease.   But the confrontation came at a cost to the lich. He was no longer able to draw as much energy from the citizens now that their population had been decimated. He retreated to the wizard's tower where he still resides, still plots to take over the kingdom, and where he still taunts the king.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While incredibly strong magically, it is very weak physically.

Body Features

Bony and emaciated

Special abilities

Incredibly power magic

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

As the wizard, he presented a generally masculine identity. But after transforming into the lich, it is now tremendously gender fluid, and the identity depend more upon the victims it seeks to suck life from rather than its own true identity.


pansexual, depending on the sexuality of its victims

Intellectual Characteristics

The lich knows everything in the world. However, this includes all of the misinformation in the world too, so despite being omniscient, it possesses all of the world's lies on equal footing with all of its truths and all of its ambiguity, agnosticism, and uncertainty as well.

Morality & Philosophy

Despite its incredible knowledge (see "Intellectual Characteristics" above), it is incapable of knowing right from wrong. When it makes a guess, it is often conflicted.
glowing red
Known Languages
All of the major ones, but struggles with ones only spoken by a few groups. Transliteration, only.
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
a personification of technology, the internet, and social media—all of the negative parts of it
The Wizard of the Other Realm
by Shaudawn
The Wizard before transformation into a lich.

Character Portrait image: by Shaudawn


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