Kiofthotre ("Kee-off THOH-truh")

The Kingdom of the Other Realm

  Kiofthotre—or simply "The Kingdom"—is small by most standards. The castle is easily besieged and can be broached. Neither the king nor the queen were ever interested in expansion. It remains a minor fief, at best—just noticeable to the Empire's tax collectors and little more. Certainly there are worse, ruled by tyrants and thieves, slavers and fanatics. But certainly there are better.   The Kingdom is nearly in a state of anarchy since the wizard became a lich and the kingdom's de facto ruler. In religious matters, the queen has the most influence, though more out of rational morality than in practice.


The majority religion is atheistic or humanistic nihilism, practiced by the prince and princess, and highly patronized by the lich.   The queen practices a form of meditation, but can also be described as either atheistic or at least agnostic.   The king is an apostate of the Imperial religion/cult. He has returned to some unorganized form of animism. However, unlike most autocracies, his religion is in the clear minority and is has never been the state religion.

Trade & Transport

The economy of the realm has recently collapsed. Originally it had a traditional economy in which the goods, resources and labor was coordinated and distributed based on need through the royal family. But after the lich took over, it has become more like a palace economy in that economic activities are conducted on or from a central administration complex, the castle palace-turned-monastery, controlled by the lich.
Geopolitical, Lordship
Alternative Names
The Kingdom of the Other Realm
Government System
Economic System
Palace economy
Executive Body
Disputed. The ruler of The Kingdom is typically the one who is most able to sabotage its effective and healthy governance. This position changes among all of the royal family members and the lich every so often. It is essentially a stateless society.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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Dec 17, 2021 21:28 by Chi

Very interesting kingdom! How does the king and queen handle the lich usurping their power?

Dec 17, 2021 21:56 by Shaudawn (a.k.a. Donovan)

Thank you for the comment. :) That's a very good question. At this point, I do not know as this story is just unfolding in the last few days. I am what's known in the writing world as a "pantser" so your guess is as good as mine right now. I've not even completed the meta yet! XD Part of the problem is that the king and queen (whose names may or may not remain that generic) have very different approaches, and I hope to get to a point in the narrative to reveal the realm that isn't the "Other Realm" soon. Again, thank you for the question! :) ♥
