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Abolan of the Green

Life: Abolan's journey began within the House of Seers, where they found a profound connection with the natural world and their life partner, Fromata. Together, they worked to maintain the delicate balance of nature. Abolan's deep affinity for growth and life led them to become the Lord of Nature and the Creator of the Growth, embodying the very essence of vitality and expansion.
  Ordeal: Abolan's path was fraught with challenges as they sought to protect and nurture the natural world. Their transformation into the Lord of Nature required immense sacrifice, severing their ties to their former life and sanity to become a pure embodiment of growth. The process of becoming the Seer Tree, which connects and holds the layers together, was a monumental ordeal that tested their resilience and dedication to the natural order.
  Responsibilities: As the Lord of Nature, Abolan oversees the continuous growth and interconnectedness of all living things. They are the guardian of the realm of Heartwood, a vast forest of sentient trees known as ents, who are its primary inhabitants. Abolan is also responsible for the spriggans, former druids of the Growth who have been absorbed by the essence of the forest, transforming into sentient beings that contribute to the realm's vitality.
  Description: Abolan's corporeal form is the Seer Tree, a magnificent and ancient tree that serves as a vital connection between the layers of existence. Heartwood, their realm, is a dense and vibrant forest filled with sentient trees, or ents, each with its own unique consciousness and personality. The spriggans, once druids, now serve as guardians and caretakers of the forest, embodying the continuous cycle of life and death within the Growth. Abolan's legacy is one of interconnectedness, nurturing the delicate balance of life, and ensuring that the natural world continues to thrive and evolve.


Abolan of the Green


Towards Fromata Goldenstrain


Fromata Goldenstrain


Towards Abolan of the Green




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