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Mar-ia Brightborn

Life: Mar-ial's journey began in the House of Seers alongside her sister Fromata. Her adventures led her to the sea, where she made a profound pact with the water drealochs, taming the wild waters and painting the stars in the sky to aid in navigation. Her unique connection with the sea and the stars allowed her to become the Lordess of the Sea and the Stars, embodying the boundless spirit of exploration and discovery.
  Ordeal: Mar-ial faced numerous challenges on her path to taming the sea and navigating its vast expanses. The pact with the water drealochs required immense courage and negotiation, binding her to these powerful beings. Her transformation into a Lordess, while leaving her corporeal form unchanged, tested her resolve and required her to embrace the vastness and unpredictability of both the sea and the cosmos.
  Responsibilities: As the Lordess of the Sea and the Stars, Mar-ial oversees the harmony between the ocean's depths and the celestial skies. She is responsible for guiding the inhabitants of her realm, Aqucura, a world of endless oceans dotted with islands. Her ship, Pact Maker, transformed into a hivemind of water drealochs, serves as both her vessel and her companions, bound by a promise of shared adventure.
  Description: Mar-ial's corporeal form remains unchanged, but her ship, Pact Maker, has become a living entity, a collective of water drealochs dedicated to her service. Aqucura, her realm, features vast, open oceans with scattered isles inhabited by the Varili, an amphibious race of tribal humanoids who thrive on the beaches. Mar-ial's legacy is one of exploration and navigation, using the stars she painted in the sky to chart courses and lead her people across the endless seas. Her pact with the water drealochs exemplifies her ability to forge powerful alliances and her commitment to adventure and discovery.


Mar-ia Brightborn


Towards Fromata Goldenstrain


Fromata Goldenstrain


Towards Mar-ia Brightborn




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