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Monty Silverbane

Life: Monty began his journey within the House of Witnesses, though many view him as part of the House of Madness due to his radical beliefs. As the Scourge of the Pointed Ears and the Bannerlord of the Vale, he founded the Order of Cervan, dedicating his life to human supremacy and the eradication of elvenkind. His intense hatred for elves rivals the infamous Vathmir's enslavement of humankind, marking Monty as a figure of extreme and violent conviction.
  Ordeal: Monty's life was a continuous battle against elvenkind, driven by his fervent belief in human superiority. His transformation into a lord amplified his hatred and power, resulting in a form that retained his mortal appearance but with extensive magical augmentations. These enhancements fuel his "Grand Destiny" to return and eradicate all elves, a mission that consumes his every thought and action.
  Responsibilities: As the Bannerlord of the Vale and the founder of the Order of Cervan, Monty's responsibilities revolve around rallying his followers and preparing for his ultimate crusade against elvenkind. He oversees the realm of Cervan, a twisted reflection of his home, the Emerald Vale. His duties include leading the Scions, his celestial humanoid creations designed to be the perfect human killing machines, and ensuring they follow him with unwavering religious fervor.
  Description: Monty's human form closely resembles his mortal self, augmented with powerful magical enhancements that aid in his genocidal mission. His realm of Cervan mirrors the Emerald Vale, with the notable addition of a formidable Citadel replacing the small farming hub. The Scions, Monty's creations, are celestial humanoids embodying the ideal human form, engineered to be relentless killing machines. They follow Monty with a devotion bordering on fanaticism, ready to carry out his orders without question. Monty's legacy is one of hatred, violence, and the relentless pursuit of his twisted vision of human supremacy, casting a dark shadow over the realms he seeks to conquer and purify.


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