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Fromatian Civil War

Military: War


Fromata splits into North and South PRF, starting a civil war. The Solar Empire and Frozen republic stay neutral.

2125   The death of Sty mobilized the South to hold the Mouth of Mulath, preventing the North from invading immediately. Minor skirmishes from the Void Eyes and other Black Point groups constantly peppered the new border. Marx and his abolitionists attempted several political coups to overtake the government, but Monty prevented their rise. The year, during the New Year's celebrations, Monty led an offensive on the progressive parties, including Marx's abolitionists. A majority of the progressives were killed or scattered throughout the region. Three significant parties remained alive: those led by Marx fled to the Aboloan forest, Those led by a freeman named Yuzo left the continent entirely, and a small group with no leader disappeared in the swamps of Cowardice.   2125-2140   Northern Forces break through the front line and begin to raze the south. The massive amount of unrest begins to draw the attention of evil forces. Leobeth leads a last-ditch effort assault on the leadership of the North. Leobeth made her way to Voa's camp to fight the leader of the PRF. Their duel ended with the death of Leobeth and a wounded Voa. Leobeth's conscious was taken and split by Humanity and made into Pride and Prejudice. Voa became bedridden for the remainder of the war, guarded by a group of black points. She continued to lead the fight from her bed.   A sect of Bannerlords tracked the group of progressives that vanished into the swamp. They discovered that the group had been transformed into a hive mind of insect-reptile humanoids called Drakes that guard the deep marsh. Monty secretly moved the southern HQ, fort Sog, to the border of the swamp to investigate what turned the people into the Drakes. Monty would come to find the Scoured Boulder, which communed with him. Monty had been marked with lordship by the boulder just by interacting with it.   2140-2190   With both sides running out of resources, the war turned Cold while each side recuperated from decades of fighting. The South struggled to recuperate due to the war being fought on their soil and a large portion of their labor force escaping during the chaos. Feyblud found Marx while out hitting southern supply lines, and the two joined back up. The time apart they sparked romance between the two, leading to Feyblud giving birth to their son, Drelin Marx. Strickland and Feyblud left the void eyes to work as strategists for the PRF.   Drelin grew up in the military stronghold in Mulath. Unbeknownst to everyone other than Voa, the mountain range was sentient, and the elemental was amused by Drelin playing during such a hard time. He made himself known to the half-elf child, and Drelin's innate charisma won over the ancient colossus. Drelin was taught history and ancient magics from Mulath and became a close confidant. Drelin became extremely fascinated by philosophy and, alongside Mulath, developed the ideology of Secular Pragmatic Mortalism, which became known as Drelinism. Drelinism is centered on the approach to the social world apart from the many god-like beings that can help, from our inevitably subjective viewpoint, to explore, understand, and solve problems, drawing on human action as a tool for progressive social change. Only as a collective can we create an ideal world of diversity and harmony. This became extremely popular within academic circles in the North but was blocked out by the South. Drelinism accelerated the north's recuperation as the line between the employee and employer disappeared, allowing the collective to spread education.   Voa saw Drelin's popularity as a sign to resign and allow Drelin to take her place. Drelin kept Voa as the military leader and dissolved the chancellor ship, entirely becoming the senator for Mulath. He still held significant influence over the government only because the new senators believed in Drelinism. Drelinists rooted out corrupt and greedy officials, naturally allowing Drelin to focus on his study of magic with Mulath.   2190-2200   The North became strong enough to strike a final blow to the South. The siege on Fort Sog lasted five years and ended with the capture of Monty. A trial was held to determine the punishment. Monty's, along with a shard of the boulder as a last-ditch effort, stuck her heart, separating her consciousness into three parts. The consciousness of Voa vaporized Monty in the act of rage. Each aspect became their own respected lord of the emotional spectrum of Voa. Simultaneously, Monty's consciousness ascended to lordhood, but his spirit was wounded, permanently manifesting in both his layer and his Lord form.

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