Ashen Sanctum

Built in 1326 DR, the Ashen Sanctum was originally named the Chapel of the Guiding Star, dedicated to a lesser-known deity of navigation and journeys. It was established by a devout and nomadic cleric who believed that the stars led him to this precise location near Phandalin. The chapel served not only as a spiritual haven but also as a beacon for travelers and pilgrims traversing the Triboar Trail.   Over the decades that followed, the chapel grew into a modest but vital part of the local community. It was a place of weddings, funerals, and celebrations of seasonal festivals. The adjoining graveyard expanded with the generations, holding the remains of notable local figures and weary travelers alike. The chapel's priests were well-regarded for their wisdom and were often sought for counsel by the people of Phandalin.   Disaster struck in 1456 DR when a massive wildfire, spurred by a particularly dry summer, swept through the area. The Chapel of the Guiding Star was caught in the inferno. Though the townspeople and travelers attempted to extinguish the flames, the chapel was largely destroyed. What remained was too damaged to restore, given the small size and dwindling resources of the congregation at the time.   As the years passed, the ruins, now known as the Ashen Sanctum, became shrouded in local folklore. Tales of ghostly sightings and eerie sounds emanating from the ruins on foggy nights became part of local lore. The mystery surrounding the old church only deepened its allure and trepidation.   Today, the Ashen Sanctum serves as the last bastion for the remnants of the The Redbrands, who were expelled from their hideout in Phandalin. They've repurposed the site's desolation and the local superstitions about the place to their advantage, using it as a meeting point and stash for their operations, away from the prying eyes of the law and locals.  
Temple / Church


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