Vial of Prophetic Dreams

This consumable magic item was recovered from the treasure vault of King Grol whilst the Owl Friends cleared the Cragmaw Castle.
Wondrous item, rare (requires no attunement)   This exquisitely slender crystal vial nearly defies perception, visible only under scrutiny as it catches the light. It is suspended on a delicate silver chain and sealed with a finely wrought silver cap. Within, a clear, ethereal gas awaits, its potent fumes capable of unlocking visions of the future.   Properties:

Prophetic Insight:
As an action, you can unseal the vial and inhale its contents. After doing so and completing a long rest, you must make a DC 15 Wisdom check upon waking. A successful check allows you to recall and interpret the dreams with clarity, providing a valuable clue or insight into a current problem or decision you face. This insight could manifest as a cryptic vision, a symbolic event, or a straightforward premonition.   Enhanced Guidance:
If your Wisdom check succeeds by 5 or more, the dreams provide exceptionally clear and detailed guidance. The DM might choose to reveal crucial information, such as hidden threats, overlooked opportunities, or undisclosed truths, which could significantly influence your future actions.   Single Use:
The vial's magic is expended after one use. Once inhaled, the contents vanish, and the vial becomes a simple, non-magical crystal tube.   Update: The gaseous contents of this vial were inhaled by Anar Menel. Unfortunately, the dream visions were too complicated to render any usable information. This item has now been spent.
Item type
Consumable, Magical


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