King Grol

King Grol is the high leader of the Cragmaw Clan. He hopes to pull his goblin folk out from the shadows. To establish free trade with the polite corners of the world. And he's organizing his clan like a monarchy, assuming his high throne and using all the trappings of a traditional kingdom.   He's established the clan at an old burnt out castle, bereft of care, crumbled by time, filled with legend. Known to his clan as Cragmaw Castle.   King Grol has rebuilt a throne, hanged the tattered tapestries that tell of a once-great family, orders his Goblin cooks to prepare feasts fit for royalty, given command posts to a group of Hobgoblins he sees as his knights, and walks his halls talking of his great deeds and future plans.   This would all be fine and well, but he's turned the dial up in all the wrong directions.   His throne is a riot of bent and hammered metal, the tapestries are soaked in blood from fell religious ceremonies, the grand feasts are little more than piles of raw offal and pots of stewed bones, his Hobgoblin commanders are as likely to kill his minions as they are to protect the King, and the once grand heirlooms of the castle are faded, broken, and torn.   King Grol's ideas of a monarchy are closer to a fever dream than to reality.   The "Black Spider" sees a feisty ally in Grol and is using him for advantage. As part of the Peace Treaty, King Grol is to secure Gundren Rockseeker and his map to the Wave Echo Cave, keep the free folk of Phandalin at bay and in fear, issue Bugbear troops to aid the The Redbrands, and keep the raided supplies coming as the "Black Spider" prepares for a full takeover of the Spell Forge.   In exchange, he's been promised sovereignty for his people along with resources and aid in rebuilding the Cragmaw Castle.

Update as of 17 Kythorn, 1491 DR:
The Owl Friends struck a tentative deal with Grol. For fair treatment of Gundren Rockseeker during his capture, and for dispatching his underling Klarg, The Owl Friends will leave Grol to go about his business undeterred. In exchange, he's promised to call off his goblin and orc’ish armies, who will be ordered to allow the party to pursue their goals unhindered by violence. Additionally, he’s given up information on Nezzar the “Black Spider”, revealing she's a female drow wizard bent on reclaiming the Spell Forge. Though she's agreed to provide resources and funds to rebuild his castle, he thinks he can make it on his own and is happy to betray his obligations to the Peace Treaty.


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