
The Druid

LevelBenefitHero’s SurgesSpells Per DayWild ShapeTitle
1Druid Features, Rejuvenating Touch, Spellcasting, Wild Implements, Wild Step41-Aspirant
2Nature's Whims, Wild Shape52Tiny & Small
3Fey Gift, Grove Binding, Natural Renown52/1New SpeciesOvate
5Valor62/2/1New SpeciesFirst Circle
6Grove Binding Feature72/2/2Large
7Boon72/2/2/1New SpeciesSecond Circle
8Grove Binding Feature82/2/2/2
9Boon82/2/2/2/1New SpeciesThird Circle
LEVEL 2 Druid
Nature's Whims
When you see an ally within 30' come under an effect with a duration, you can move 5'.
Wild Shape
As an Attack action, you can spend a hero's surge to Wild Shape and then move the speed of your new form. You can end this effect as an Attack action.
Boon Option: Increase your Wild Shape damage dice one size.
LEVEL 3 Druid
Fey Gift
When your Rejuvenating Touch ends, the creature previously under its effect can move 10'
Grove Binding
At level three, your druidic skill increases to such a level that you can bind with a Druid's Grove to access its power. Choose a grove to bind to.
Natural Renown
Your Reknown extends to animals and plants.


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