Commander Darian Hawkwood of the Westwatchers Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Commander Darian Hawkwood of the Westwatchers

Commander of The WestWatchers

The dark forces that threaten our land will find no quarter here. We stand united, and we stand strong.


Commander Darian Hawkwood stands tall and imposing at 6'2", with a muscular build forged from years of rigorous training and countless battles. His weathered face, marked by scars and lines of experience, is framed by short, salt-and-pepper hair and a neatly trimmed beard. Hawkwood's piercing blue eyes, set beneath bushy eyebrows, reflect both a keen intelligence and a deep-seated resolve. He typically wears a well-maintained set of plate armor adorned with the insignia of the WestWatchers, and a deep crimson cloak symbolizing his leadership and valor.  
Born on a humble farm outside of what would later become Westkeep, Darian Hawkwood was the son of a cobbler and a medicine woman. His parents instilled in him a strong work ethic and a sense of duty to protect the community. From a young age, Darian showed a talent for leadership and combat, volunteering for the local village watch.   As a founding member of the WestWatchers, Darian has defended Westkeep from numerous threats, including bandit incursions and monstrous invasions from the Darkwood Forest. His leadership was instrumental in repelling the recent attack by Neanderthal barbarians from the Moon Peak Mountains, cementing his reputation as the village's steadfast guardian.


Commander Hawkwood is known for his stern but fair demeanor. He is a man of few words, preferring actions over speeches, but when he speaks, his words carry weight and authority. Despite his gruff exterior, Darian cares deeply for his comrades and the people of Westkeep, often going out of his way to ensure their safety and well-being. He values honor, loyalty, and courage above all else, and expects the same from those under his command.
Honor, loyalty, and courage—these are the pillars upon which we stand. Without them, we are nothing.

Skills and Abilities

  • Master Tactician renowned for his strategic mind and ability to devise effective battle plans under pressure.
  • Expert Swordsman skilled in combat, particularly with a longsword, and is capable of holding his own against formidable foes.
  • Darian's presence on the battlefield inspires those around him, boosting morale and cohesion among civilian or Redbannerman.
  • Extensive experience in the Northern Reaches has made him adept at surviving in harsh conditions and navigating difficult terrain.

  • Goals and Motivations

    Driven by a deep sense of duty to protect his lifelong home and its people from any threat. He is committed to training the next generation of WestWatchers, ensuring that the village remains safe and prosperous long after he is gone. Additionally, Darian seeks to strengthen the alliance between the WestWatchers and the Church of St. Ygg, despite his private disagreements with some of their policies.
    Current Location
    Current Residence
    Ice Blue
    Short Salt and Pepper
    Ruled Locations
    The WestWatchers
    Building / Landmark | Jul 2, 2024

    Adventuring hall and guild in the village of Westkeep

    Settlement | Jul 2, 2024

    positioned on the western edge of Middenmark, is fortified by a unique watchtower-monastery


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