

Westkeep, located on the westernmost edge of the Prelacy of Middenmark, is anchored by a unique watchtower-monastery that serves both as a defensive fortification and an educational center for apprentice Priests. This structure is crucial in spreading the teachings of St. Ygg across the region.
Although Westkeep observes the Red Laws, it does so with more leniency than Eastdale, allowing for a blend of traditional beliefs and new doctrines. This approach has helped the village develop into a diverse and vibrant community.
Key figures like Jorund Stoneheart, a former noble from the north and the proprietor of The Bison's Rest, play significant roles in the social life of Westkeep. His tavern, known for its northern fare and as a gathering place, helps knit the community together by offering a space where locals and travelers can mingle and share stories.
The village's strategic location and the dedication of its leaders and community members ensure that Westkeep remains a resilient and welcoming place despite the challenges posed by its geopolitical significance.

649 - post attack (1,048 pre-attack)
Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, Halflings
Political Structure:
Governed by Ecclesiastical Law under Endra, human priest of St. Ygg
Industry and Trade:
Notable for horse and bison breeding, livestock farming (cattle, pigs, sheep), lumber, and Salmonsen Mine Operations
Endra the Watcher
Character | Jul 1, 2024

Steward of the Westkeep Watchtower.

In the Shadow of the Tower, I find comfort knowing we stand watch.
— Endra

Most Recent Developments

  • A Call for Aid
During the events of Session 43 - Through the Mud, "We-Haul" stumbled upon a critical piece of correspondence while escorting a caravan along the dangerous The Gauntlet Road. They found the body of a messenger bearing the iconography of the Church, clutching a parchment letter. This document was a desperate call requesting aid from Eastdale and His Venerable Mercy, Mordicar the Justhand. Tragically, the letter never reached its intended destination, and the requested help never arrived.

The Found Letter
A Call for Aid - Westkeep's Request

To his most Honored Mordicar the Justhand, Prelate of The Church of St. Ygg in Middenmark,  
In these times of hardship, I, Endra, servant of St. Ygg and guardian of Westkeep, reach out with a plea for aid. Our village, nestled in the shadows of the Moon Peak Mountains and the edge of the Darkwood Forest, has long stood as a beacon of faith and resilience. Yet, we find ourselves facing a threat that may well surpass our capacity to endure alone.   This winter is one of the harshest in memory, leaving our larders nearly empty and our people weakened. Throughout this brutal season, we have witnessed unsettling movements within the Moon Peak Mountains. Reports from our scouts speak of a large gathering of Neanderthal barbarians, a people driven by desperation and the stark choice to conquer or perish. It is our belief that an attack is imminent, one that seeks to exploit our moment of vulnerability.   Thus, we call upon the might and mercy of The Church of St. Ygg. We request immediate assistance in the form of supplies to replenish our diminished stores and reinforcements to bolster our defenses. Without such aid, Westkeep may not withstand the coming storm.   In service of this plea, we have dispatched a group of our newest recruits to the church, each bearing the light of St. Ygg within their hearts. Led by the brave and devout Sir Eldan, these five souls: Aelwyn the Scholar, Borin the Steadfast, Celia the Compassionate, Derrin the Quick, and Eira the Hopeful, carry with them not only this message but the very spirit of our community.   They are young, yet their determination and faith are unwavering. We entrust them to your guidance, hopeful that they may learn from your wisdom and, in turn, bring much-needed succor back to Westkeep.
  May St. Ygg watch over them on their journey, and may His wisdom guide your hand in our hour of need.
  With utmost faith, Endra Keeper of the Westkeep Watchtower
"2nd of Verion in the 11th year of our Covenant"

  • Attack by Neanderthal Barbarians
As the harsh winter drew to a close, Westkeep faced a formidable threat. On "Peak" (Mountain Day), the 17th of Verion in the year 11 AC, a large horde of Neanderthal barbarians from the Moon Peak Mountains launched a brutal assault on the village. The battle that ensued was fierce and wrought considerable losses among the defenders. However, the residents of Westkeep, fortified within the Westkeep Watchtower, managed to withstand the assault. The village's survival can largely be attributed to the strategic acumen of Commander Darian Hawkwood and the valiant efforts of the WestWatchers, who together orchestrated a successful defense that ultimately repelled the invaders.
Darkwood Forest
Geographic Location | Apr 24, 2024

The Darkwood Forest characterized by its thick, almost impenetrable canopy is shrouded in mystery and local folklore.

The Church of St. Ygg
Organization | Jul 1, 2024

The faith of St. Ygg is the most well known of the new organized religions in the Northern Reaches.

The RedLaws
Document | Mar 9, 2024

They are the cornerstones of our community, ensuring peace, morality, and justice in a world beset by chaos and sin.

  • Clearing of the Path to Salmonsen Mine
During a carousing celebration Session 49 - A Cold Trip; Osgar Cazyach - "The Squirrl" stumbled onto a sleeping Yeti, with the assistance of "We-Haul" they managed to clear a treacherous path to and from the Salmonsen Mine. This path had been unused for a long while due to a northern yeti blocking its way. The group dealt with the beast, slaying it and unlocking a new route that shaves hours off the journey between Westkeep and The Rabid Wolf.

Key Locations

The Watchtower
fortified watchtower-monastery, which symbolizes both protection and spiritual learning. This structure also serves as a refuge for villagers during attacks, with a strategically removable staircase.
Westkeep Watchtower
Building / Landmark | Mar 27, 2024

Watchtower serves as a means of protection but also a place of study and training.

The Sturdy Steed
A trusted outfitter run by Albree Ironfoot, offering creative custom gear for adventurers. You dream it, she will build it.
The Sturdy Steed
Building / Landmark | Jun 20, 2024

Outfitter for travelers and adventurers alike

The Scroll and Quill
A hidden and invite only library; sequestered under an old "haunted" granary.
Scroll and Quill
Building / Landmark | Apr 19, 2024

local library is crucial for those seeking knowledge on various subjects

The Bison's Rest
A popular drinking hall where locals share stories over hearty ales.
The Bison's Rest
Building / Landmark | Jul 2, 2024


Westward Bound
The caravan staging area preparing travelers for journeys, known for its meticulous organization.
Westward Bound
Building / Landmark | Jul 2, 2024

Work in Progress (Not Public)

Guilds and Factions

Moonlit Pathfinders
A local adventuring group; known for helping travelers along the gauntlet road and local rangings.
Moonlit Pathfinders
Organization | Jul 2, 2024

WORK IN PROGRESS (Faction Westkeep)

Green Leaf Collective
The Greenleaf Collective
Organization | Jul 2, 2024


The Blackstone Syndicate
The Blackstone Syndicate
Organization | Jul 2, 2024


The WestWatchers
An adventuring hall that provides training and serves as a hub for quests and camaraderie among the locals and aspiring heroes.
The WestWatchers
Building / Landmark | Jul 2, 2024

Adventuring hall and guild in the village of Westkeep

Current Message Board Requests

  • Bandits Spotted!
  • A Strange Fog in the Fields
  • Wolfs at Grigsby Farmstead
  • Missed Re-Supply Caravan

  • Near By and Notable - Places of Interest

    Salmonsen Mine, nestled in HEX - 0415, serves as a significant source of employment and wealth for Westkeep. The mine, now under the control of Andre Salmonsen, has a notorious reputation for its questionable practices and the enigmatic figure at its helm. Located just off the The Gauntlet Road, it is strategically placed to be accessible yet distant enough from the immediate dangers of the Darkwood Forest, making it an ideal location for various nefarious activities.

    The Rabid Wolf Tavern stands as a gritty, infamous establishment just East of Westkeep Watchtower in HEX-0415 a short walk from the The Gauntlet Road, attracting a rough clientele that includes mine workers, criminals, and thrill-seekers. Managed by Stanwyck Bernard McCall, a retired adventurer with a murky past, the tavern is known for its strong ale, raucous atmosphere, and the darker pleasures of the flesh, gambling, and brawling.

    The Grigsby Farmstead is a renowned bison farm situated half a day’s travel northwest of Westkeep in HEX - 0215. Nestled on the edge of a dense forest and crag field, it is one of the most remote farms in the area. Managed by the elderly couple, Hab and Hilda Grigsby, the farm is known not only for its robust bison herd but also for Hilda's legendary blueberry pies.

    Near By and Notable - Adventuring Sites

    Articles under Westkeep


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