Eastdale Sewers - The Prelacy of Middenmark - ShadowDark

Session 30 - A Shitty Tail

General Summary

Session begins 29th of Ofelya (mid winter)
Forest (Day of the Forest) - Moon; Waining Crescent
Welcoming new players to the world; who have joined existing ranks of the Unknown.

Morning Announcements in The Saucy Tart
Radloc Hudson mentions:
  • Eastdales Sewer Workers/Masons Guild is still finding those strange maggots in the system but can not locate the source or a nest of any kind.
  • A Menhir outside of town has been opened. Stairs lead down to darkness below.
  • The The Church of St. Ygg would like to honor members of the Unknown for liberating the southern lumber camp from the Harpies, information about spiders and goblin shaman in the Darkwood Forest
  • Two Lumber camps remain under the control of the forces of chaos.
  • The The Saucy Tart is calling every meal "Inglorious Boar" specials. A special thanks was given.
  • Announcements are interrupted...

The Tavern shakes; dust falls from the rafters, candle lights flicker...an earthquake is happening. Brief chaos ensues as lights topple and snuff out, and everyone but the The Flaming Oath duck for cover. Orbivous the Mirthful mentions that dammed kaldara in the Forbidden Zone.   Moments pass an aftershock is felt and things return to normal. The newest members of the unknown decide to venture into the sewers. Needing an access plan, they discuss known ways. However, they require a distraction to get in unnoticed. Radloc Hudson offers to set a training ruse at the Hudson’s Grey Company calling it winter weapons training. Radloc gathers as many in the tavern as he can for impromptu training. Exiting The Saucy Tart Zhool has a run-in with Denton who shoulders him but is shocked at the strength and readyness of Zhool.

Outside heavy winter winds drive loose snow off the roofs and down the allys, this is the perfect natural smoke screen. Heading to the central square towards the drainage grate under the stage, they find snow drifts blocking their easy access. Instead, they head to the south gate, picking their way through town. Waiting for Radloc Hudson to cause a raucous diversion, they time their exit perfectly.

Beyond the gate to the southern sewer pipe, shrouded in wind-driven snow they survey and find a fist-sized maggot larva cut open by Vesagan and then collected by the witch Runevara for study/use late.

Delve begins at the southern sewer discharge pipe.
  • Discover a network of sewer systems and service tunnels
  • Find "markings" arrows on the walls of the service tunnels and turn around
  • Deeper down the main sewer trunk they head
  • A junction with a smaller alley is their next turn
  • A trap is set off. "Light & Mirror Alarm"
  • Camoflogued "dead end" is a false wall
  • Battle with Chameleon Lizards
  • Runevara is greatly wounded in battle by an errant improvised javelin, she is at death's door.
  • Gnatter with a bit of luck and not time to spare saves the grandmother witch with a sack of herbal remities and some goblin goo. (Snot/spit)
  • One lizard escapes through a schute of some kind hidden by metal plate on the wall. 
  • Treasures looted from the small scout camp of the Chameleon Lizards
  • Hacking off the large Lizard tails (3) in total to bring back as "food"
  • Safely out the pipe as a heavy winter storm is rolling in (whiteout conditions)

Returning to The Saucy Tart Cravos Blackburn takes a liking to Runevara agrees to take the tail meat. Skye the Barmaid changes the specials to "Unknown Tail Meat special". Runevara then takes a risk with some spices and an old witches' meal, she shows Cravos "Vara's Sausage" made from the Maggot Larva and spices. It is delicious despite its ingredients. He agrees this would make great food to help with the shortage but they need enough maggot meat to put it into production.

As the evening comes to drinking hour; kegs are tapped and libations flow. Vesagan & Zhool decide to make a spectacle of an arm wrestling match over a suit of chain found in the lizards camp. They wisely get the tavern involved in a bit of betting. Runevara and Gnatter act as hucksters goating the crowdd. They gather a total of (37 gold) for the bets. The pot is large and Vesagan throws the match. Unknowingly to those around, these new members of the unknown have swindled the patrons of gold in a fun entertaining manner. This does not go unnoticed by The Flaming Oath who are watching this all from the corner of the tavern.

Rewards Granted

  • XP gained - 4 points
  • Unknown Tail meat
  • Silver and gold circlet (matching) (2 total) (40gp ea) SOLD
  • rusty lantern (1 gp) (kept)
  • ruined suit of chain mail (30 gp) (kept, sent for repairs, 5gp and 1 week)
  • Carousing points - awarded and consumed by all (4) characters

Missions/Quests Completed

Created Content

  • First delve into Eastdale Sewers 
  • new characters in world
  • Unknown alagator tail cut from monsters in the sewer (Chameleon Lizards)
  • Vara's sausage (maggot sausage)


Chameleon Lizards

Report Date
06 Dec 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Plots
Related Characters
Eastdale Sewers
Geographic Location | Mar 9, 2024

A world below the streets

Settlement | Apr 24, 2024

Eastdale is the religious center of Middenmark and its largest town outside of Threshold


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