Stanwyck Bernard McCall Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Stanwyck Bernard McCall

General Overview

Stanwyck Bernard McCall is the grizzled proprietor of The Rabid Wolf Tavern in Westkeep, known for his robust presence and shadowy past. Once an adventurer who traversed the perilous terrains and dungeons of the Northern Reaches, Stanwyck now channels his formidable experience into managing one of the rowdiest establishments in the region.
Once, I battled through the wilds; now I navigate the wilds of human nature under this roof. It's about reading the room, knowing when to step in or step back. Here, diplomacy might mean a strong word or a stronger pour—whatever keeps the peace and the pints flowing.


A man in his early sixties, with a burly frame and rugged features carved from years of battling both monsters and the elements. His hair, peppered with gray, is usually tied back to keep it out of his stern, piercing blue eyes. A prominent scar runs down his left cheek, a souvenir from his adventuring days, adding to his intimidating appearance. His attire typically consists of a leather apron over sturdy, practical clothes, suitable for breaking up tavern brawls or hauling kegs.


Despite his tough exterior, Stanwyck possesses a surprisingly warm heart, especially towards those he considers underdogs. He is unflinchingly honest, sometimes to a fault, and expects the same from others. Stanwyck's leadership style in the tavern is firm but fair, and he has a particular soft spot for the hardworking miners who frequent his establishment. However, he does not tolerate disrespect or deceit and is known to deal with troublemakers personally.


His adventurers were marked by numerous battles, treasures found, and secrets uncovered. However, after a particularly harrowing escape from death, he chose to retire from adventuring. He purchased The Rabid Wolf with earnings from his exploits, envisioning it as a haven for those who lead the hard-knuckled life he once did. His experiences have also left him with a network of contacts in the darker corners of the adventuring world, which sometimes proves useful in keeping the peace—or breaking it, when necessary.

Skills and Abilities

Combat Proficiency

Skilled with both the sword and the axe, having retained much of his combat prowess from his adventuring days. He also has a knack for improvised weaponry, often using whatever is at hand to enforce the peace in his tavern.

Leadership and Management

Running The Rabid Wolf has honed Stanwyck’s skills in leadership and business management. He knows how to keep a rowdy crowd entertained but in line, and how to turn a profit in an establishment where the clientele are as likely to break a chair as sit in one.

Street Smarts

Years on the road have left him with an acute sense for reading people and situations, a talent he uses to preemptively handle potential trouble in his tavern.

Goals and Motivation

Stanwyck’s primary goal is to maintain The Rabid Wolf as a profitable and relatively safe haven for its patrons. He also has a more personal goal of ensuring that the darker elements of his past do not catch up with him or endanger his establishment. Additionally, he is driven by a desire to protect the underrepresented and less fortunate, often using his tavern’s earnings to help out where he can in the community.
We're the gathering ground for the rugged and the restless—miners ending their dusk-laden shifts, adventurers passing through, and even a few faces looking to dodge the more lawful eyes of Westkeep. They all converge here, seeking a bit of rough comfort from the shadows of the Darkwood Forest.


Maintaining a network of former adventurers and contacts in the underworld, which can make him a valuable ally or a dangerous enemy. His relationships with local authorities are tenuous at best, given the nature of his business, but he has a mutual respect pact with the local miners and other regular patrons.
Current Location
Ruled Locations
The Rabid Wolf
Building / Landmark | May 16, 2024

The Rabid Wolf Tavern stands as a gritty, infamous establishment just East of Westkeep. Boxing, Wolf fighting, Dagger-Throwing & a Pit fighting ring.

Salmonsen Mine
Building / Landmark | Jun 20, 2024

Now under the control of Andre Salmonsen, has a notorious reputation for its questionable practices


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