HEX - 0415 Geographic Location in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

HEX - 0415


  • Rolling highland hills with craggy outcrops and scattered tree groupings.
  • The Gauntlet Road winds through the hex, offering a treacherous but vital passage.
  • Rugged terrain transitions to the dense, shadowy expanse of the Darkwood Forest to the east.
  • Areas of loose, unstable rock and hidden sinkholes.

Geographical Details Uncovered:

  • Westkeep Watchtower can be seen by finding higher elevations in this hex.
  • The area is known for its unstable ground, with pockets of loose rock and hidden sinkholes posing threats to travelers.
  • Proximity to the Darkwood Forest brings both rich natural resources and lurking dangers.
  • Travel through the craggy uplands is slow and arduous, often requiring experienced guides to navigate safely.
The Gauntlet Road
Geographic Location | Mar 9, 2024

This perilous route is a necessary evil for many, significantly reducing travel time between Eastdale and Westkeep at great risk.

Darkwood Forest
Geographic Location | Apr 24, 2024

The Darkwood Forest characterized by its thick, almost impenetrable canopy is shrouded in mystery and local folklore.

Settlement | Jul 2, 2024

positioned on the western edge of Middenmark, is fortified by a unique watchtower-monastery

Articles under HEX - 0415


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