The Rabid Wolf Building / Landmark in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

The Rabid Wolf


The Rabid Wolf Tavern stands as a gritty, infamous establishment just East of Westkeep Watchtower in HEX-0415 a short walk from the The Gauntlet Road, attracting a rough clientele that includes mine workers, criminals, and thrill-seekers. Managed by Stanwyck Bernard McCall, a retired adventurer with a murky past, the tavern is known for its strong ale, raucous atmosphere, and the darker pleasures of the flesh, gambling, and brawling.

Location and Atmosphere

A stone's throw from Westkeep’s only mine run by Andre Salmonsen, the tavern is the first stop for many miners as their shift ends, marked by the mine's chimes. The atmosphere inside the Rabid Wolf is loud and rowdy, filled with the sounds of shouts, laughter, and the occasional clink of thrown daggers. The quality of the ale might be questionable, but it’s potent enough to draw a steady stream of patrons looking for relief after a hard day's work.

Parent Location
Characters in Location
Settlement | Jul 1, 2024

positioned on the western edge of Middenmark, is fortified by a unique watchtower-monastery

HEX - 0415
Geographic Location | Jun 20, 2024

Start of the Gauntlet Road leaving Westkeep


Stanwyck Bernard McCall, the owner, fits seamlessly into the tavern’s rugged environment. His experience as an adventurer has endowed him with the resilience and rough charisma necessary to manage such a boisterous crowd. Stanwyck's reputation and demeanor make him a respected figure among the miners and the darker elements of Westkeep alike.
Stanwyck Bernard McCall
Character | May 16, 2024

Stanwyck Bernard McCall, owner of The Rabid Wolf

Sure, we're known as a rough spot on the edge of civilized lands, a place where the ale flows as freely as the fists. But beneath that, there’s a kinship here, a brotherhood of the broken and the bold. In the warmth of the Wolf, many a cold night has turned into a forge of friendships.
— Stanwyck

Main Attractions

Boxing Circle

The ground floor features a shallow recessed boxing circle where miners and other patrons test their mettle in impromptu matches, serving as a central spectacle for the evening’s entertainment.

Wolf Fighting Ring

Beneath the tavern lies a more sinister attraction—a wolf fighting ring that doubles as a venue for settling scores. This underground ring sees its fair share of human and animal combatants, drawing a crowd fueled by a mix of fear and fascination.

Dagger-Throwing Contests

Adding to the nightly entertainment, the tavern hosts dagger-throwing contests that combine skill with high stakes gambling, popular among those with a steady hand and a daring spirit.

Rules of the Game

Dagger-Throwing Contest

An in-game gambling/skill/dice rolling "mini-game"
The contest consists of (4 or more) rounds, where an unlimited number of contestants take turns throwing a house-provided dagger at a large wood backed leather target set one near move away. The target features (3) wide concentric circles around a central bullseye. All players must agree on a common wager—(3 sp, a day's pay in the mines) is a typical amount among local workers, though more adventurous types may increase the stakes significantly.
In-Game Rules
In the first round, each contestant aims to strike anywhere within the outermost circle, requiring a ranged attack roll against AC 9. Contestants who miss are eliminated. In subsequent rounds, the challenge intensifies as players aim for increasingly smaller rings, with the AC escalating according to the ShadowDark difficulty class increments in the core rules (ACs of 9, 12, 15, 18). Play continues towards the central circle, with rounds progressing until only one contestant remains, who then claims the entire wagered pool.

GM's Note

Similar mini-games could also be implemented around the boxing circle and wolf fights. Currently, specific rules for these activities have not been established. Should they be developed during gameplay, this document will be updated to include any gameable elements relevant to those events.

Reputation and Patronage

The Rabid Wolf’s reputation as a haven for the less savory means it is frequented by criminal gangs, rough adventurers, and anyone drawn to the darker side of life. Its notoriety also attracts outsiders and locals alike who are looking for a taste of danger or merely to watch the chaos from a safe distance.

Safety and Controversy

Safety is a relative term at the Rabid Wolf. Fights are common, and more than one patron has found themselves part of the underground ring’s brutal entertainments either by choice or by force. The area behind the tavern, littered with refuse and craggy rocks, is rumored to conceal as many secrets as it does bodies.

Special Events

On the "Weekend of Rest," a monthly event decreed by owner of the local Salmonsen Mine, the tavern transforms. These weekends are notorious for featuring organized blood sports in the basement fighting ring, drawing large crowds that come for the spectacle of blood and violence, underpinning the Rabid Wolf’s brutal charm.

Pit Fighting

Intended to serve as a downtime activity & alternative to carousing or learning. Players may participate in this event, which occurs monthly. Given the smaller scale of the venue, the danger level and stakes are confined to Low/Mid; high or epic stakes are not supported here. The rules for these engagements are governed by the ShadowDark Cursed Scrolls #2, specifically found on pages 20-21.


The Rabid Wolf Tavern is not just a place to drink—it’s a questionable source of entertainment, danger, and community for those living on the edge. Its rough and ready approach to nightly diversions makes it a cornerstone of miners life in Westkeep, for better or for worse, serving as a gritty counterpoint to the more orderly establishments like Bison's Rest.

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