Stinkweed Species in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil


Discovered on Session 52 - Blueberry Flambe
player: Lemonzest
Character: Gerant
Location: Outskirts of Westkeep

Stinkweed Plant


Stinkweed, known locally as "Odorifera," is a hardy, perennial plant found predominantly in the wetlands and forested areas surrounding Westkeep. Its pungent odor, which becomes particularly potent when the leaves are crushed, has earned it a reputation among both locals and adventurers. The plant is characterized by its broad, dark green leaves and small, inconspicuous yellow flowers that bloom in the early summer.



Broad, dark green, and slightly waxy to the touch. The edges are serrated, and the veins are prominent, giving the leaves a somewhat rugged appearance.


Small, yellow, and clustered in groups of three to five at the ends of short stems. The flowers are not particularly showy and are often hidden beneath the large leaves.


Thick and fibrous, with a slightly woody texture near the base. The stem is usually a light brown color and can grow up to 2 feet tall.


Stinkweed thrives in damp, shaded environments, making it common in the low-lying areas near the Darkwood Forest and the wetlands surrounding Westkeep. It prefers moist soil rich in organic matter and can often be found near streams, marshes, and other water sources.


Scent Masking

The primary use of Stinkweed is its ability to mask scents. When the leaves are crushed and rubbed onto the skin or clothing, the strong odor overwhelms other smells, making it useful for hunters and adventurers trying to avoid detection by animals or other creatures with keen senses of smell.

Insect Repellent

The potent smell of Stinkweed also acts as a natural insect repellent, helping to keep biting insects at bay during long treks through the forest.


Locally, some healers use a diluted extract of Stinkweed leaves to treat certain skin conditions and rashes, believing the plant’s oils have soothing properties.


In addition to masking scent, the crushed leaves can be smeared onto surfaces to obscure visual clues, making it harder for trackers to follow a trail.



To harvest Stinkweed, the leaves should be carefully plucked from the plant to avoid bruising, which releases the strong odor. It’s best to use gloves and a small knife to cut the leaves cleanly from the stem.


Once harvested, the leaves can be dried and stored in airtight containers for future use. When needed, the dried leaves can be rehydrated slightly and crushed to release their scent.


Due to its strong odor, it is advisable to store Stinkweed leaves away from living areas and food supplies to avoid contamination. Additionally, overuse of the plant's oils on the skin can cause irritation for some individuals.

Lore and Folklore

Local Legends
Stories among the locals tell of ancient druids who first discovered the masking properties of Stinkweed. It is said that these druids used the plant to evade capture during times of persecution and to move undetected through the Darkwood Forest.
Cultural Significance
During certain festivals, such as the "Chilled Slaughter," small bundles of Stinkweed are sometimes burned to ward off the Frozen Prince.
Scientific Name
Geographic Distribution
Darkwood Forest
Geographic Location | Apr 24, 2024

The Darkwood Forest characterized by its thick, almost impenetrable canopy is shrouded in mystery and local folklore.

Session 52 - Blueberry Flambe
Report | Jun 24, 2024

Bison & Wolves & Pie... Oh my!


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