Session 52 - Blueberry Flambe Report in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Session 52 - Blueberry Flambe

General Summary

Session date
6th of Olandan; Water day (day of bathing)
Start in Westkeep
  • Druld
  • Gerant
  • Session END
    8th of Olandan; Forest Day
    in Grigbsy Farm Cave (Wolf Den)

    Rewards Granted

    XP awaiting "The-Take"

  • Experience (3 XP) (Treasure)
  • Wand (unidentified)
  • Potion Bottle (Yellow Liquid - Unknown)
  • Rapier (unidentified)
  • Strange key (2 parts combined into 1 piece)
  • Parchment (Crude map?)
  • Fancy Boots (Tarnished, needs repair) (25 gp)

  • Missions/Quests Completed

    Quest started

    player initiated
  • Message board - Farmers Wolf Problem
  • Discovered at The WestWatchers message board.
  • Payment initially gold; but the old man can only offer pie, cured meats and farm fresh food as compensation.
  • Character(s) interacted with

  • Hab Grigsby
  • Hilda Grigsby
  • Created Content

    Introduction of the Grigsby Farm

  • Location: HEX - 0215, Subhex 11.
  • Predominantly a bison farm one of the furthest from Westkeep, managed by an elderly married couple without children. The wife is renowned for making THE MOST delicious blueberry pies imaginable.

  • Recent Visitor

    The "last visitor" was a charming bard with eye-catching blue and yellow boots. He stayed in the barn overnight. Although the couple planned to have breakfast with him, he disappeared by morning without leaving a trace.
    Bards Map
    Parchment map found in the barn while scouting for wolves

    Nearby Wolf Activity

  • Wolves have been spotted close to the farm.
  • These wolves are tainted by some kind of rot, making them unusually large and strong.
  • They seem capable of speaking common, showing a level of intelligence that allows them to taunt and stalk for amusement.
  • wolf

    Discovery of Wolf Den

  • Led to the location by a frightened Hab Grigsby.
  • The path is marked by bones, fur, and bison hides, leading to a natural cave entrance that narrows before expanding into a large chamber.
  • The chamber contains:
  • Pillars of stone supporting the ceiling.
  • The back wall is unusually smooth, resembling glass.
  • A large "bowl" filled with inky black oil is present.
  • Skeleton remains of a human, identifiable by blue boots and scattered baubles, are discarded along one wall.
  • Currently, the den is home to three bear-sized tainted dire wolves and eight northern wolves, all found sleeping.
  • grigsby cave 1
    "Dog Bowl" of black oil liquid

    New World Discovery

    Species | Jun 20, 2024

    notorious for its pungent odor, particularly strong when the leaves are crushed, making it a notable plant among locals and adventurers.

    Related Reports

    Gerant's Recountings

    Between requests to gather herbs for Endra and Westkeep's healers I found myself looking for work.   I was approached by a devout worshipper of Madera named Druld and he recruited me along with two others to go help some farmers with a wolf problem. Seems like my expertise would be of value, and I was interested in why the wolves were being so aggressive, so I obliged.   The farmer Hab Grigsby let us ride in his wagon back to their farm, his poor horses looked at the end of their rope, so I decided to lighten their load and walk alongside. I always love a good walk, and this long walk in the rain did not disappoint.   When we arrived at the farm Hab's wife Hilda made us a delicious meal of yams, creamed corn, collard greens, and other hearty food from their farm. It was the best meal I have had in ages. I attempted to get more insight into what was going on with the wolves over dinner, but Hilda and Hab had no interest in discussing the dark matter, and insisted we relax and enjoy our dinner.   Honestly, I am glad for it, the dinner was tranquil, and warm, and comfortable, something I needed desperately.   After dinner on our way to our sleeping quarters in the barn we decided to do a bit of scouting for tomorrow. We found a massive bloody trough where one of the bison had been drug away from the farm, hell of a beast that could drag a full grown bison like that. Druld asked for me to keep watch while he "spoke with the stones".   I know all dwarves claim they can speak with stones, but Gede as my witness he actually did.   While keeping watch I heard the wolves speaking to me in the common tongue, and one went as far as to reveal itself to me in the moonlight. It looked directly at me, made eye contact, almost seemed to laugh at me then faded back into the shadows. It looked covered in rot and mange with its hair falling out in clumps, it was definitely sick and rotting.   The next day we met with Hab and he allowed us to take his entire stock of oil to set a trap for the wolves. Hab then lead us to their den before himself returning home.   We covered ourselves in stinkweed to disguise our scent and set about quickly setting up spike traps to give ourselves some advantage against these wolves.   We filled the entrance of the cave with an unreasonable amount of oil, ready to strike a spark to it at a moments notice to burn our prey alive.   I crept forward into the darkness of this foul den and saw with my own eyes, THREE massive wolves bigger than any bear I have ever seen, and 8 other dangerous northern wolves sleeping and nesting in the cave.   The goblin is heading back for the last of the oil to finish our preparations. I hope its enough...
    — Gerant
    Report Date
    15 Jun 2024
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    Related Characters
    Grigsby Farmstead
    Geographic Location | Jul 2, 2024

    A simple "Mom and Pop" Bison Farm

    HEX - 0215
    Geographic Location | Jun 23, 2024

    Farm Fields supporting Westkeep

    Settlement | Jul 2, 2024

    positioned on the western edge of Middenmark, is fortified by a unique watchtower-monastery


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