D'Arcy Settlement in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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The Population of D'arcy had been severely depressed due to their close proximity to the Devil infested D'arcy Manner. As such, now that the plague of devils have been lifted, the town is in a celebratory and slightly hedonistic mood.


Predominantly Human and Tiefling


The town is currently without mayor, the Majority of town business is taken care of by the Baron of D'arcy, there is a small town counsel that meets at the end of every week in Astrid Hesha's alehouse, The Silver Peace.

Industry & Trade

All trade goes through the local Baron, though that had changed when Erester Vandiir assumed power. Exports are limited to raw resorused, though Astrid Hesha's heavily hopped and spiced ale is a popular export.

Points of interest

The local Ale house, The Silver Peace, which is slowly but surely becoming a full blown tavern. The general store Cashe and Kerri.  To the south is the stately D'Arcy Manor, and to the east is the overgrown D'arcy Cathedral


The buildings are of a tudor wattle-and-daub style. Most of the buildings are run down and overgrown, or brand new.

Natural Resources

Barley, Oats, Flax, Sheep, Pigs, Hops
Alternative Name(s)
Devil's Blight
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank

Cover image: village by sanghyun kam


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