Barony of D'arcy Organization in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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Barony of D'arcy

D'arcy is the Southernmost barony of Johnslands, located in the south western part of the Moorlands

Until recently, D'arcy was ruled by Baron Klyn D'arcy, who with his infernal household ruled the barony with an iron fist. This recently came to an end when the Mummers defeated him and ended the D'arcy family line. Rulership of the lands has now fallen onto the eladrin elf, Erester Vandiir and time will only tell in what direction he will take the barony.

Though most of the fiendish cohort has returned to hell, one horned devil by the name of Grand Dame Felrosa still travels the Rainlands and has some influence with many of the more prominent individuals within D'arcy. The Barony itself also has a large amount of debt with the LeVask Trading Company, accrued over years of frivolous spending on the part of the former baron.

"Humans here be dangerous. Their drink be even more dangerous!"

-- Wrigs, kobold



D'arcy is bordered on the west by the Hellspring River and on the east by the Islington Rush. In the north, the barony is bordered by the Nevershade Marsh and the Old Witchwood, and in the south by Lake Nerroth where the land rises sharply into the Hulbreaker Cliffs. The western half of D'arcy is dominated by the Boiling Hills, an area of high volcanic activity; full of geysers, hot springs, mud pools and deep caves.

Geographic areas

Nevershade Marsh -- Old Witchwood -- Hellspring River -- Scorchwood -- Boiling Hills -- Gladfel Moors -- Kingfisher Dells -- Islington Rush -- Rush Islands -- Ravencrest Forest -- Hulbreaker Cliffs -- Lake Nerroth


D'arcy Cathedral -- D'Arcy Manor -- Aberforth Sholes



The Gladfel Moors are suitable for growing wheat and barley as well as other vegetables like beets, squash, and peas. The Kingfisher Dells are lousy with hopps, berries and mushrooms, the Stillwood Pond is home to the Stillwood Catfish, which can grow to seven feet in length. There is lots of good fishing in the Islington Rush and Hellspring River, as well as the Nevershade Marsh. The Nevershade Marsh is also home to the D'arcy goose, a very large and aggressive waterfowl. Freshwater oysters and large crayfish can be found around the Rush Islands.

Though the Boiling Hills are not suitable for farming, the warm rolling hills make for excellent pastures. Breeds endemic to D'arcy include the Dogglen Black (a sheep with heavy black wool and no horns), the Airdavi Fancy (a white sheep with black face and long curly horns) and the Midven red (a red and white beef cattle with short thick horns and a putrid stench from cross breeding with wild stench kows). The large D'arcy mastiff is often employed to protect the herds on the Boiling Hills, but few are kept as pets due to their aggressive nature. Geese and chickens are commonly kept.

There is some limited forestry along the Kingfisher Dells, and attempts from Ravencrest to establish their own lumber industry have been met with resistance from the wood elves of the Ravencrest Forest. Sulphur and mercury as well as a rubies are mined within the Boiling Hills.

Due to the prevalence of grain and hops, D'arcy has many thriving breweries: Silver-piece ale from D'Arcy, Hellfire Porter from Scorchgate, and Big Catch Ale from Stillwood are some of their most popular exports, but almost every village boasts at least one brewery that supplies enough ale for export. Edgemore boasts an extremely well known, high quality distillery that exports it's Sirensong Whiskey not just across the Rainlands, but around the world.

  • Exports include; Ale, Whiskey, Barley, Sulphur, Mercury, Wool, pickled fish
  • Imports include; Iron, gold, silver, fruit, wine, glass, spices


The majority of the population of D'arcy are humans of Johnsman ethnicity, though there are a population of wood elves living in the Ravencrest Forest. The larger towns of Scorchgate, Edgemore and Dogglen tend to be a little more cosmopolitan, and have a variety of different races calling them home.

Due to the infernal hold that had been placed on D'arcy for the last 200 years, Tieflings are relitivly common. There is also a company of Gif that have settled in the town of Scorchgate.  


Scorchgate -- Dogglen -- D'Arcy -- Nevershade -- Airdavi -- Devilby -- Midven -- Ravencrest -- Maddale -- Hazelbarrow -- Stillwood -- Hazeldell -- Edgemore -- Shadebank -- Witchhold  
"D'Arcy suffers from a plague of cruel and greedy fiends. And the devils are pretty bad too."

--Mardoc Whisperbreaker, Supreme Judge


Unique Customs

Competition among the people of D'arcy is vicious and often escalates to full out brawls. It's not uncommon to find people insulting each other's crops, homes, wives and even the smallest insult can result in a village wide brawl with everyone both young and old joining in. Most people see this as healthy, as it keeps everyone fit and ready for battle. These battles tend to be short and serious injuries are rare. traditionally all parties involved go out for a drink afterwards and though they say that all is solved, bitter rivalries tend to fester under the surface, coming out at the next brawl.

People of D'arcy believe that those who talk in their sleep are communicating with devils. Those who do so attempt to prevent such things with trips to the local clerics for blessings and going to bead with a mask on their face, as a ward against such fiends discovering their identities.

A traditional coming of age ritual in D'Arcy is the Mudrun. Groups of young men and women travel to the Boiling Hills where they spend a week with each other. They are encouraged to drink heavily and bathe in the hot springs and mud pools. Many of these young people spend the time in a state of undress, telling wild stories, playing practical jokes on each other, and getting to know their compatriots physically. Upon returning, the participants are encouraged to tell wild lies about what actually happened that week, and no one speaks of what truly happens. After this event, the youth settle down into their mundane adult lives, their experience staying with them for the rest of their days.



The darkening, Winter solstice, Longshadow 21[\b]. On the longest night of the year the people of D'Arcy light torches and bonfires and spend all night awake, drinking, playing games and telling stories of heroism. They do this to show that even in the face of darkness there is hope. Old rivalries are put aside this night, and new bonds and oaths are forged for the upcoming year.

The days of Silver, Bloom 1-3. Celebrating the defeat of Baron Klyn D'arcy and the freedoms from the devil's rule. Large quantities of ale are consumed and gifts of silver are exchanged. Bonfires are lit, effigies of Klyn are burned and children wear devil masks and participate in mischief.

Markettide[\b]; for two weeks around midsummer a large festival is held in the field around Dogglen. Beer halls are erected, market stalls pop up like mushrooms after a rain, and people come from all around to trade and feast. Contests of strength and skill are common, and awards won at markettide are a mark of renown across the Rainlands.

The Day of restless spirits. It is believed that on one night of the year, the dead spirits rise from their graves to wander the lands of D'Arcy. Candles are lit in every window to allow the dead who wander the night. To find their way back to their graves. Flagons of ale are left outside on the step before sundown for the dead to whet their thirst. No one travels in the night, for fear of the dead taking them with them to the underworld. Instead, people stay inside telling ghost stories to children.



The people of D'Arcy tend to make a lot of stews and curries. Fish stews, barley pottage and heavily season beef are common, usually served with a flat and hearty bread. The market for exotic spices is high, and curried or deviled dishes are usually eaten whenever they could be made. Egg dishes are also very common, often spiced with sauces made from the spice berries that grow wild on the Boiling Hills.

Scorchgate is well known for it's spicy and sweet dishes, especially the Gatebread which is a flat bread baked with sheep cheese, spiced fruit and ham. Edgemore is famous for it's fried freshwater oysters, often served with their famous whiskey.

Due to how ubiquitous it is, ale is drank at every meal. Wine is seen as a posh drink only for the cellars of wealthy individuals and most taverns do not carry it. What is common however is whiskey and gin. Many drinks are flavoured with bitters, which are valued through the lands.

"Curried Catfish? If their food is half as spicy as their fashion I will refuse, thank you."

--Lady Jaylynn, Queen mother of Stormbrin



Clothes in D'Arcy are made from linen, hemp and wool, often died bright and garish colours, with blacks, reds and purples being common.

Due to the warmth of being in such a heavily geothermal area, and 200 years of infernal influence, clothing is less necessary for protection and warmth and more for self expression. Men and womens fashions often employ plunging necklines, exposed shoulders, décolletage, bared chests and midriffs. Skirt lengths vary from well above the knee to the ankle. Clothing is heavily tailored to show off some features and hide others. Morals and decency are often an afterthought, though complete nudity with exposed breasts or groins is seen as gauche and reserved for barbarians, druids and witches. Trousers are common for both men and women, though they are usually cut quite close to the skin and accentuates the legs.

Jewlery is common, though often understated, with silver being highly sought after. Piercings are common in ears, noses and the often exposed midriff, with the decoration being usually understated silver studs. Tattoos are common all over the body, and are seen as fashionable among young people. It's not uncommon for older individuals to hide their tatoos as they age, or even magically remove them. Magical tattoos are also common to those that can afford them.

Hair is styled in a wide variety of fashions; long or short, heavily styled or brushed straight, natural coloured or heavily dyed, the one consitant is that they are deliberately styled. Body hair is eliminated for both sexes, and men are either clean shaven, or have highly stylized moustaches. Heads are usually uncovered with hats being quite rare.



The most dangerous threat to D'Arcy is whatever is dwelling under the Boiling Hills and causing the extreme geothermal activity. Most assume that a Devil or some primordial god dwells underneath. Two dragons dwell within the barony. The black Atorg the Wicked in Nevershade Marsh and the green Rashtaloxthox the Serpent in the Ravencrest Forest. Some devils still roam the lands, often in dwelling in disguise within larger towns.

Hags and trolls plague the Old Witchwood, and small bands of goblins and bugbears roam the Boiling Hills, inhabiting old Fomorian Kingdoms ruins. Scorchgate has a pretty heavy kobold infestation.

Stenchkows are common amung the pastures of the Boiling Hills, and other minor devils such as imps and spined devils are common throughout D'Arcy. Merfolk, Merrow and Harpies can be found along the Hulbreaker Cliffs and Rush Islands. Bandits are uncommon, especialy in the south. Though elves have been known to harass travellers around Ravencrest Forest.

Fire within, Fire without

Geopolitical, Barony
Predecessor Organization
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