Kilcogy Settlement in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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The Village of Kilcogy is is built on the bluff overlooking the northern Coast of Selkisle , the bluff is rich in minerals and the village is home to Kilcogy Keep that used to watch the north cost for pirates.
The keep has since been taken over by the wizard Talxoryn  
The dwarves were the original inhabitants and came down from the Fjordland  to establish the colony, the humans came later from Portsin .


40% Human, 60% Hill dwarf


Mayor O'Del  governs over the village for House Brandon . He is feared and is in the pocket of Talxoryn .

Industry & Trade

The village is populated by Humans and dwarves who mine the caveside for Salt and Iron, or farm sheep.
The people lack any significant leatherworkers, though blacksmiths are present.
Basics can be purchased, but there is very little market for selling.

Guilds and Factions

There is a minor's guild that protects the interest of the minors.
There is a small church that server as a worship area for most of the gods. It is taken care of by a single priest.

Natural Resources

Salt, Iron, Sheep
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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