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4. Ambush at Minishaw Pass

The Ambush

As the Brothers were escorting a caravan from Rothevon to Penkurth they came upon a felled tree blocking the road as they were traveling through the Minishaw Pass. The tree prevented the caravan from moving forward and this is when the goblins made their move.   Three goblins blocked the road and as the Brothers approached the trap was sprung. Goblin pig riders charged out of the forest screaming and snarling as they approached, while ghost goblins stealthly attached hooks attached to rope to the wheels of the lead wagon. The Brothers bravely fought off the goblins with Sir Lesley and Ute leading the charge and Tim, Ingatius and Lucian hurling magical spells decimating the goblins. Despite their efforts one ghost goblin was successful in handing the rope to a pig rider and the rider destroying a wheel on the lead wagon.   The Brothers managed to take one goblin prisoner, however with the tree blocking the road and the lead wagon disabled they were stuck until repairs could be completed. One goblin and a pig rider managed to escape, notifying the tribe that they immobilized a caravan.  

The Interrogation

As the goblin prisoner came to Ute and Tim tried to interrogate the prisoner. The goblin named Klerd did not reveal much, other they are here to raid the tresspassers and they are after the cargo. Klerd did have a black cresent moon on his leather armor. The goblins are a simple and cruel people foraging for food and pillaging anything of value from all who enter the lands that they claim.    

Battle at Minishaw Pass

The smell of burning wood and the sound of clashing steel filled the air as the Brothers fought for their lives. The goblins were relentless, their war chant echoing through the woods and sending a chill down the spines of the Brothers. Ute and Sir Lesley formed a defensive line, standing firm against the goblin onslaught. The goblin archers rained down arrows, some finding their mark and wounding the Brothers and the folks in the caravan.   Tim was struck by an arrow, and it seemed as if his life was about to end. But Lucian was quick to act, using his arcane powers to save his brother's life. With Tim revived, the Brothers had a fighting chance. Tim created fires with devastating effect, dispersing the goblin lines and allowing Ute and Sir Lesley to repel the attack. Lucian and Ignatius provided support, firing Eldritch Blasts and Firebolts to keep the goblins at bay.   The Brothers were battered and bruised, but they had prevailed. They decided to leave without investigating the goblin menace any further, but they would never forget the courage and strength they had shown in the face of such danger.


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