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5. The Crying Warrior Inn - Penkurth - 5th of Beltane 2343

The Crying Warrior Inn

After arriving in Penkurth the Brothers decided to head to The Crying Warrior Inn to be compensated for escorting the caravan from Rothevon to Penkurth. Hungry and wornout from their journey the Bothers decided to eat and drink before conducting business.   As they approached the inn, they could hear the sounds of lively music and laughter coming from inside. The smell of roasted meat and ale wafted through the air, making their stomachs growl in anticipation. The Brothers pushed open the heavy wooden doors and stepped into the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the inn.   Curiosity getting the better of them, the Brothers turned to see a group of nobles engaged in a heated discussion. One of them, a tall and imposing man with a stern expression, was complaining loudly about the heavy taxes levied by King Reynard of Rothevon.   'Can you believe it?' the noble exclaimed, slamming his fist on the table. 'The King is bleeding us dry with his never-ending taxes. I wouldn't be surprised if he's using the money to further his schemes to challenge the Emperor's claim to the throne.'   The Brothers exchanged a knowing look. They had heard rumors of King Reynard's ambitions to overthrow the Emperor and claim the throne for himself. But they never expected to hear such bold accusations from a noble of Crowton.   As the noble continued to rant, Tim the Enchanter, the youngest of the Brothers, couldn't contain his anger any longer. He stood up from his seat and marched over to the noble's table.   'What are these schemes you speak of!' Tim shouted, at the nobles.   The noble was taken aback by Tim's outburst and glared at him with disdain. 'Who are you to speak to me in such a manner, boy?' he sneered. 'I am a noble of Crowton, and I will call my guard.'   Tim decided to back down and the Brothers went on to continue feasting.  

Kenwyn Spargo - Adventurers Guild

'Ah, I see you have completed your task successfully,' Kenwyn said with a smile as the Brothers took a seat at their table. 'I have been informed by the caravan leader that you have done an exceptional job and protected them from a goblin raid. As promised, here is your compensation.'   The Brothers thanked Kenwyn and counted the coins, satisfied with the amount. But as they were about to dig into their meal, they couldn't help but bring up the recent goblin raids that had been plaguing the area.  
'We encountered a group of goblins on our journey,' one of the Brothers said, 'and they seemed to be organized and well-equipped. It's not like the usual goblin attacks we've seen before.'   Kenwyn's expression turned serious as he listened to their account. 'Goblins are cruel and dim creatures who are content with raiding and were probably looking for food,' he explained. 'But it is strange that they would use such a complex strategy. It makes me wonder if there is something else at play here.'   The Brothers exchanged a knowing look. They had been in the business long enough to know that there was always more to a situation than meets the eye. They couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something bigger at work here.  
King Reynard
  The Brothers also inquired about the King Reynard's schemes, and Kenwyn enlightened the Brothers about King Reynard and how he is cold, calculating and ambitious. It is also no secret that he lays claim to the Lion Throne of the Roniryn Empire. Since the Emperor claims to be the nephew of the late Emperor Axentius and King Reynard also has imperial blood in his veins and is determined to press his claim. It is unclear what the King will do with the taxes, but it is a safe bet that it will further his ambitions.  

Goblin's Eye (Darts)

  In the back room of the Inn there was a shifty gambler named Solomon Keep and his Orc associate Corgak. Ignatius challenged them to a game of Goblin's Eye, which Corgak was quick to accept the challenge.   Sensing that Solomon would be the easier opponent, Ignatius insisted that they play. Solomon, who was always looking for a way to make some extra coin, was quick to accept the challenge. However, Corgak was not so easily convinced. He eyed Ignatius suspiciously, knowing that he was up to something.   But Ignatius had a plan. He had noticed that Solomon had a slight limp and he was certain that he could use it to his advantage. Seeing that Ignatius was wheelchair bound, Solomon accepted, thinking it would be an easy win.   The game began and Solomon stepped up to the line, throwing his darts with precision. Ignatius rolled up and threw his darts. The game was close, each player taking the lead for a time. But Solomon's experience and skill gave him the upper hand and he was able to eke out a victory.   Ignatius was not happy with the outcome and he challenged Solomon to a double or nothing game. Solomon, always looking for a way to make more money, accepted the challenge.   However, luck was not on Ignatius' side and he lost the game once again. Frustrated and desperate, he challenged Solomon to one final game, with all or nothing on the line. But the result was the same, and Ignatius lost his coin.


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