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9. Road to Freyburn

Kid Rescue
14th Beltane 2343   Traveling on the forested road from Penkurth to Freyburn the Brothers were esccorting the caravan when they heard a girl screaming to the north. Deciding to investigate the Brothers cautiously headed in the direction of the screaming.   As they explored deeper into the woods the Brothers came a series of cascading pools. The Brothers found the source of the screaming, a boy and girl were cornered by three baby owlbears, a ridge, pool and waterfall. Ute taking the initiative charged forward projecting an Echo to distract the baby owlbears.   As the Brothers continued to approach they were a little confused why the children were screaming and throwing stones at the baby owlbears. Little did the Brothers know they were enthralled by how adorable the baby owlbears were and overlooked the danger they presented. Lucian attempted to put the owlbears to sleep. Unfortunately his spell was not powerful enough to lull cute little owlbears into a slumber. Ute tried to scare and intimidate the babies by waving his arms and shouting, it seemed to draw their attention away from the children. Sir Lesley approached Ute, however this startled one of the baby owlbears and it let out a screech calling it's mother.   The adult owlbear emerged from the brush like a bolt of lightning, its claws outstretched and razor-sharp. With a deafening roar, it lunged at Sir Lesley, its massive form crashing through the undergrowth.   Swift as an arrow, Tim interposed his flame between the owlbears and the children, his bonfire a beacon of protection. Simultaneously, he cast Faerie Fire, showering the owlbears with an ethereal glow that illuminated their hulking bodies aiding his brothers.   Ignatius, rolled his wheel chair across the fallen log without issue, directing his automoton to circle around the owlbears' northern flank. Sir Lesley, his great axe glinting in the dim light, delivered a crushing blow that sent the adult owlbear crashing to the ground, unconscious.   Ute, charged at the baby owlbear, his glaive gleaming. As he struck, Lucian, mustered his remaining strength to cast Sleep on the helpless creature. With a soft thud, the baby owlbear collapsed into slumber.   Sir Lesley, seeing his opportunity, seized the moment in an attempt to scare off the remaining baby owlbear with a fierce attack. The automoton, its metal limbs creaking, scooped up the sleepy owlbear and retreated.   As the last baby owlbear lunged at Sir Lesley, its claws raking across his flesh, the Brothers swiftly fell back, Ute guarding the rear with his glaive to ensure their safe retreat.  
Gypsie Camp
  The Brothers escorted the lost children back to their camp. They were greeted by Lash Tidy leader of the gypsies and invited to join them for supper, campire stories and merriment. The Brothers were honored and flattered to be invited.  
The Journey
  One will tell you that we come from beyond the Empty Wilds. From a land where the Forgotten One forgotten one is still worshipped. It is here that our ancestors fled as refugees under the guidance of Mamos, God of Trickery. He warned our people of the coming war and betrayal amongst the gods. Our people travelled through the Wilds based on faith and many were lost on the journey, however our people are resilient and made it through the wilds.   Mamos who has the gift of foresight saw the corruption growing in the the Forgotten One one, once the god of leadership, creation and order, soon he looked to dominate all of the gods and all manner of creatures. His lust for power drove him away from his ideals and the forgotten one's war spilled over into our world, in the form of Drikdarok and the dark army. Taking revenge for no longer worshipping him in the ravaged continent. As war raged here so it did in the outer planes until the forgotten one was defeated, he maybe alone and powerless, but he still lurks, ever present and looking to regain his power.
The Mark of Ibad
After Tim told the gypsies about the Mark that the brothers bear and the search for their father Trobeus. The matron mother of the gypsies, Tsura spoke: The mark that you carry is one told in stories and legends, as in all my long years I have never seen it. It is said those that carry the mark are servants and have a special pact with the supernatural, and the mark that you bear looks like the one forgotten one's mark. However, you do not have carry his taint of corruption.   The Brothers spent the rest of the night drinking and sharing stories into the wee hours before continuing on to Freyburn.
  The five half brothers had a mysterious birthmark that was a perfect circle and two inches in diameter. It was a deep golden yellow in the center, outlined by a deep burgundy red. It was located in the same place for all five brothers, just below their left collarbone. They never understood why it was identical for all of them, and the curiosity kept them together. Although they weren’t the same age, their birthmark made them feel like they were all brothers and joined in a special way.


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