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The Savage Lands

The Savage Lands are filled with a thick and daunting forest, known as the Savage Forest. It is an ancient and mysterious place, shrouded in an eerie and formidable mist. Lurking in the shadows of the trees are primordial creatures and the remants of the Dark Army and Savage Elves. It is a place best avoided.   Off in the distance lies the Gamsor Quagmire, a massive marshland that carries the stench of death and decay. Small homesteads and shrines can be seen along the muddy waters. Here, the locals quickly flee to when danger arises.   Further off on the horizon glistens the settlement of Zruba were the remnants of the Dark Army settled. The city can be seen at the top of the rocky hills that overlook the Savage Lands. It is an old settlement, with cobblestoned and dirt roads running through its narrow streets. Buildings, made of shingled wood and stone, are adorned with animal hides to ward off unwanted guests. The city emits a fierce and ragged air, created by its violent past.   The area is secluded and wild, housing all manner of beasts, creatures and travellers. One would do well to keep an eye open as you traverse the Savage Lands.


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